Cosha Gaines
July 6, 2015
Mrs. Brenda Barney
The instruments used to measure crime in the United States are the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Crime Victimization Survey. The Uniform Crime Report program is a program that was established in 1929 it collects information on crimes such as murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, theft, and arson and auto theft. It complies data from monthly law enforcement reports data with the FBI. The National Crime Victimization Survey is a survey selected in the American household conducted by the bureau of justice statistics to determine the extent of criminal victimization in the United States in America household members age twelve and older are interviewed for the survey it is conducted twice a year. Another instrument used is the National Incident based Reporting System is a system that addresses weakness of the Uniform Crime Report such of lack of demographic data on victims, perps, and crime it expands lists of crime for which data is collected. The purpose of major crime programs are to keep track of people who are committing crimes. Statistic of crime are used to determine the effectiveness of the new laws and programs, and staff, and procedural changes, budget decisions about equipment, staffing and the initiation, continuation, or determination of new changes in crime rates millions of dollars are allocated based on statistical reports of the success or failure of programs and initiative, reputations are made or destroyed according the rise or fall of crime. Be wise when reading statistics you must make sure you know exactly what the statistics describe they may depict the number of crimes reported or any arrests, or just convictions. These are signifacally different kinds of information numbers alone do not tell the complete story crime statistics also may not account for the crime reported that did not lead to arrest, or charges that were