Crimes That Relate to Chemical Addiction.
I have been asked to explain the different types of crimes that relate to chemical addiction. When talking about crime, we must have an understanding what the word crime actually means. Crime is a harmful act that is committed to one or more individuals. To be classified as a crime, the act of doing something bad (actus reus) must be usually accompanied by the intention to do something bad (mens read), with certain exceptions (strict liability). For example, if you go to someone and beat him or her up, you intended to do physical harm, and therefore you have committed an assault. One of the crimes that relate to chemical addiction is sexual assault. Many people feel that sexual assaults only happen to women, but actually, it happens to men more frequently. Sexual assault is when a person commits an act of sexual penetration by the use of force or threat of force; or commits an act of sexual penetration and the accused knew that the victim was unable to understand the nature of the act or was unable to give knowing consent; or commits an act of sexual penetration with a victim who was under 18 years of age when the act was committed and the accused is family member. People who are abusing drugs are more likely to commit sexual abuse as well. Sexual abuse is when a person commits an act of sexual conduct by the use of force or threat of force, commits an act of sexual conduct and the accused knew that the victim was unable to understand the nature of the act or was unable to give knowing consent. The accused commits criminal sexual abuse if the accused was under 17 years of age and commits an act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct with a victim who as at least 9 years of age but under 17 years of age when the act was committed. The accused commits criminal sexual abuse if he or she commits an act of sexual penetration or sexual conduct with a victim who was at least 13 years of age but less than 17 years of age and the accused was less than 5 years older than
References: Harrison, L., & Gfroerer, J. (1992). Crime and Delinquency (pp. 422-443). Retrieved July 22, 2013, from
Drug abuse and Crime. (2011). Retrieved July 22, 2013, from