Explain how the Internet has aided criminal activity. The internet has aided criminal activity by communicating with each other without having to be near, as well as fraud and identity theft. The rise of the Internet over the last decade has paralleled some of the greatest milestones in communications history. Along with such great strides in bringing the world together, the frightening aspect of accessing information and propaganda that tests the very limits of the U.S. Constitution has arrived. Above all, the Internet is used to commit against persons that include various crimes like transmission of child-pornography, harassment of any one with the use of a computer such as e-mail. The trafficking, distribution, posting, and dissemination of obscene material including pornography and indecent exposure, constitutes one of the most important criminal activity known today. With just a few keystrokes, an individual can have access to all forms of personal information, bomb-making instructions, and poison recipes; and a plethora of extremist ideologies expressing everything from radical religious cults to clandestine organized crime groups.…
When I saw this assignment, of having to write about an artwork that had been erased, I was a little astonished. There was this piece of art that someone had created, and then another person erased some of the elements, and called it their art. I was honestly regretting the research that lied ahead. However, I see not that Robert Rauschenberg's piece of work was inventive. I am sure that he was ridiculed for the way he created this new type of art. On the other hand it was accepted because of the embellishment of highlights that are also used by erasing to create light. With this piece, Robert was gracious enough to title this piece "Erased de Kooning Drawing," thus showing that the true ownership of the drawing was shared. I believe this was…
Taking into consideration my Libyan heritage, one might say I was able to experience the best of both worlds as a first generation Libyan-American. They wouldn’t be wrong, growing up, I was influenced by the cultural aspect of a Libyan as an American citizen. I partook in many common Libyan traditions, for instance, I would eat couscous most nights for dinner and learned how to play the darbuka, a Libyan drum held sideways and played with the fingers. I was convinced that everyone lived this way, and I knew nothing outside of my bubble of comfort. It wasn't until my first trip to Libya, during the reign of Dictator Mummar Gadafi, that I realized not everything in the world was perfect and that my childhood was more Americanized…
• The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) processed more than 336,000 complaints related to Internet crime in 2009 in the United States. • Many complaints were related to fraud, including nondelivery of ordered items, credit and debit card fraud, and advanced fee scams. Much of the credit card fraud was perpetrated when credit card numbers were stolen by criminals tricking people into revealing sensitive information or by computer programs that gather credit card data. • Non-fraud-related complaints pertained to issues such as computer intrusions, unsolicited e-mail, and child pornography.…
Computer crime is an ongoing issue that we continuously see, and a major problem with this is that most people do not realize the harm that computer crime can cause. Computer crime is also a niche that continues to grow. This is based on the fact that there are many different perceptions about what computer crime is, and the harmful effects it can have. Because there is a gap between traditional views of what cyber crime is and the actual realities of these crimes, it is a criminal offense that will continue to happen.…
he did not and still does not carry himself like a criminal. Even though he is prison now for…
Today the internet has completely changed the way people communicate with each other. It has changed the people conduct commerce, changed the way people research topics, the way people entertain and the way people break the law (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 70). Many of the crimes that are committed on the internet include: prostitution, drug sales, theft, fraud, conspiracy, bullying, and harassment. As the internet becoming more and more of a dominator factor in how society is driven so has these crimes. Kids are being bullied and harassed by their peers to the point that they are committing suicide. Stopping these acts are hard because it’s very difficult tracking everyone in America’s computer and it’s illegal without the correct warrant and process to monitor someone’s actions. The more that the internet becomes an everyday use for everyday America the more is going to be taken advantage of and break the law. I can see this being beneficial or detrimental to society as a whole. It can be beneficial by connecting the world but also detrimental by someone corrupting and hacking into the world. It’s going to be on the government and us to see how this outcome turns…
It has been a routine that when someone needs something, he or she can proceed to the Internet for his or her need to be catered. But on the other side of the Internet, crimes after crimes spread. Anything that takes place in cyberspace, or all electronic or internet means of communication can potentially produce cyber victims. A Cybercriminal use the computer as their object…
skill. One of the fastest growing types of crimes today is the general category of Internet-…
Confession does not affect corpus delicti. However, a voluntary confession can be used to gather other information on the crime. Confession cannot be used alone to establish guilt.…
8. In a shootout with the armed guard during this a bank teller and police officer is shot.…
Schmalleger, F. (2010). Criminal law today: An introduction with capstone cases (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.…
When dealing with a case loads that has doubled to the point o the staff being not able to handle it, it could arise many of problem in not just the criminal division but in all aspect and areas of the courts. Having fifty employees under the active administrator for the court may sound like a lot, however it can be depending on the size of the court and the work load that is given in the courthouse on the daily basis. Having a double in a workload can make many issues arise in the court when dealing with criminal cases, because it is taking too long to reach final disposition. What normally takes one month has almost doubled in time making everything build up and the more time it takes to get to that point, the more money it ‘s going to be for not the lawyers, but also for both parties (plaintiff and defendant). With only two judges things are going to take time and the process of the filling paperwork is going to be in abundance for the judges and the clerks. What can also cause another conflict is, if there is going to two judges hearing criminal cases and at the end of the one month period, what will happen when one of the judges doesn’t get done and reach their deposition until three months ? Meaning one of the criminal case judges is going to have to wait for two month in order to rotate onto the criminal bench, which can cause a major situation? By having such a massive work load there are going to be many tempers flaring in the criminal case proceeding because they feel the process is taking too long. Nonetheless, some and/or maybe both parties will get tired and wonder why the dragging out for so long is. As time goes on there is going to have to be another way to handle the workload as well as making sure things run at respectable time frame before things get so backed up, to the point of hiring more staff to make things go a little faster and easier.…
There are some defenses that a person charged with a crime can bring up to try to negate either the actus reus, mens rea, or both. Types of defenses are: duress, infancy, insanity, intoxication, necessity and self-defense.…
An interesting case that was currently brought before the Supreme Court was Missouri vs. Frye. I found this case interesting due to the injustice that was provided by Frye’s counsel, and that Frye insisted on committing the same crime over and over again even though he knew he had an open case concerning driving under a suspended license. There were many sources and jurisdictions related to criminal law that also relates to this case. Criminal liability is when one takes responsibility for committing a crime, and accomplice liability is when someone helps someone commit a crime. Actus reus means guilty act, mens rea means guilty mind, and concurrence means the equality of rights. Actus reus and mens rea are both necessary in order for a defendant to prove criminal liability.…