University of Phoenix
Nicole Paddock
Abstract The current ways in which we gain the identification of criminals and suspects has drastically changed over the course of the 21st century. In this paper, we will discuss technological advances in criminal identification mainly biometric identification. The technological advance will be described, as well as, going over the advantages and disadvantages. This paper will also look at how the due process model and the crime control model looks at biometric identification. A summarization of the findings will be made as well as any recommendations concerning the use of the biometric identification.
Introduction In the Criminal Justice System, they gain criminals identity in many ways. Some ways are by DNA analysis, Biometric Identification, Camera and wiretap surveillance, and fingerprint analysis. This paper will focus on the technology of Biometric Identification. What are some of the advantages to biometric identification and what are some of the disadvantages? With all of the current technological advances that are being done in criminal procedure you have to wonder if the constitutional rights of the accused are being upheld and from what perspective; The Due Process Model or the Crime Control Model? In order to answer those questions we must first look at what biometric identification is and how it works.
Biometric Identification Biometric identifications have been associated with very costly top secure applications. Today the cost of such applications is going down due to the evolving technologies. Biometric identification has become a now cost effective, reliable, and highly accurate way to obtain a persons identity. What exactly is Biometric Identification? "The term "biometrics" refers strictly speaking to a science involving the statistical analysis of the biological characteristics." (Huopio, 1998) In this case,
References: Technovelgy.com – where science meets fiction, Biometric Identification – advantages, Copyright 2000 Technovelgy LLC http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Technology-Article.asp?ArtNum=14 retrieved 07/15/06 Murali, Biometrics; She Unlimited Network, vBulletin v3.0.7, Copyright 2000-2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. http://www.sheunlimited.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-1611.html retrieved 07/15/06 Huopio, Simo 1998; Biometric Identification, Network Security 1998: Biometric Identification; Helsinki University of Technology; http://www.tml.tkk.fi/Opinnot/Tik-110.501/1998/papers/12biometric retrieved 07/15/06