(John Covey)
CJ 100
Dr. Harry O. White, Jr.
Park University
This essay will attempt to discuss and contrast three segments of the criminal justice system, Law enforcement, Courts, and Corrections. Without all three sections working together, there would not be public-order. The first person an offender comes into contact with is law enforcement. These are the people who investigate and ultimately make the arrest. Law enforcement agencies main purpose is to keep the streets and the people living on them safe from all types of crime. The second element of the System is the courts. The main purpose of the courts is to decide if an individual is guilty or innocent. This important decision is made by the judge, a panel of judges, or a jury panel of unbiased citizens. The third and final step in the Criminal Justice System is corrections. A convicted offender is usually turned over to the corrections department following the courts to fulfill their punishment which includes monetary restitution, house arrest, probation, community service, prison, or capital punishment. Sometimes there is a mix of punishments. This step is also used to hopefully help to rehabilitate an offender.
Officer Interview
Police Officers are one the most respected professionals in America. Given all the responsibilities of protecting and serving the public, police officer jobs can be a dangerous, high-stress occupation. According to the FBI, in 2011, 72 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in the line of duty. (FBI, 2011) Even though their jobs are dangerous, they are the backbone of the criminal justice system and contribute substantially to their communities by being the first line of defense in maintaining public-order.
I chose Officer Don Majors for my police officer interview. He is retired military and has been on the Oklahoma City Police Department for 5 years. He works
References: Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2012, November 29). Probation And Parole In The United States, 2011. Retrieved November 29, 2012, from Bureau of Justice Statistics : http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/press/cpus11ppus11pr.cfm City of Oklahoma City. (n.d.). Hefner Patrol Division. Retrieved 12 01, 2012, from The City of Oklahoma City: http://www.okc.gov/okcpd/neighborhoods/hefnerpatroldivision.html FBI. (2011). Officers Feloniously Killed in 2011. Retrieved 11 24, 2012, from Federal Bureau of Investigation: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/leoka/2011/officers-feloniously-killed/officers-feloniously-killed Frank Schmalleger, P. (2012). Criminal Justice, A brief introduction (Ninth Edition ed.). Pearson Educaton Inc. New York State Office of Court Administration. (n.d.). Criminal Jury Instructions. Retrieved Nov 14, 2012, from New York State Unified Court System: http://www.nycourts.gov/cji/ Oklahoma Office of Personnel Management. (n.d.). Probation and Parole Officer. Retrieved 12 16, 2012, from Oklahoma State Web Site: http://www.ok.gov/opm/jfd/i-specs/i40.htm