My Degree plan is Associates in Arts (Community and Human Service) with my focus on Criminal Justice. With a concentration in Criminal Justice, I would be able to apply for a job in the law enforcement sector, or in the field of investigation with the State Bureau of Investigation …show more content…
The general education section had many courses, that trigged my interests. Besides mathematics and basic communication, I chose Art &Crime for the Humanities section. For the Western Civilization the 20th Century European History looks interesting, also because I have a good knowledge of European history of this particular century. For American History I choose History of Women in America I believe that it could also benefit me in the future. For the Social Science “Understanding Crime and Justice” will be the base for my degree due to the fact that it has a lot to do with my focus for Criminal Justice, it also gives me an insight of knowledge of human behavior. I also took the advantage of using the foreign language and went for CLEP in German (kind of took advantage since I am a native speaking German, so why not using what you already know). The other course is college writing. I’ve learned to write a little bit more on a college-level. Still there is a long way to go, being a non-native English speaker, German is my mother’s language, I believe that with hard work and staying focused on the different tasks will proof me what I can achieve in the end is my motivation.
So far the course in Criminal Justice has been great, it gave me a good understanding how the American justice system works. The reason why I choose Criminal Justice as my major, is that I would love to work in this kind of area, either as a Victims Advocate or anything in general in the law enforcement section. With these different studies, I choose during my visit with my mentor, I designed my degree plan and think it fits my needs and also spiked my interest more.
Most of my courses blend in with my interest in Criminal Justice. It also will benefit me in my personal