
Criminal Justice Narrative

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As I walked towards the bus, I excitedly played with my plushy mallet; unknowingly that squishy mallet would be my most hated possession soon. I did not want to leave Arizona State University. There was no way that I wanted to go back to my boring life as a seventh grader after learning so much about the criminal justice system at the Arizona State University field trip, but I had to get on the bus back home. Before the bus started its commute back home my teacher stood up to speak.
“I have some great news kids! Since all of you seem very enthusiastic about learning about the criminal justice system, I will be starting a ‘Teen’s Court’ at school” said Miss May. I was beating my plushy mallet against the seat in front of me as were all my other classmates in excitement. We had no idea what “Teen’s Court” fully meant but we were just enthralled by the mention of learning more about the criminal justice system.
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May, had put up the sign up sheet for who wanted to participate in “Teen’s Court”. I blasted through the crowd and managed to be the second one to sign up. Signing up meant committing to getting up earlier than usual because it was a before school activity. However, I did not mind as I was set on pursuing my dream career as a lawyer. The next day was the introduction meeting where Ms. May and Ms. Hoffman explained what “Teen’s Court” was and what we would be doing. There were a couple of roles we could be placed in there was the jury, lawyers, prosecutors, and the judge. Essentially what we had to do was when a kid got a suspension they would come to “Teen’s Court” and they would plead their case to us and the jury would decide if they were innocent or

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