- understanding the offenders.
- preventing the crime from happening.
Elements in Criminal Justice
- maintaining order in society.
- providing community services (example: police responsibilities into the educational setting:officers giving speeches at school to raise awareness)
Who plays the key role in Criminal Justice? police, legal system, correctional agencies, members of the community(co-producer of criminal justice)
The study of Criminal Justice is an interdisciplinary endeavor. (participation of or more fields of study) which includes studies of the following:
Criminology-study of why people commit crime, understanding cause & effects to develop prevention & rehabilitation programs, understanding the trend of criminal behavior.
Emergency Management-study of how to prepare for, respond to, & recover from a disaster or crisis situations. (example: natural disasters)
Forensic Science - application of science principals. Scientists analyze the material from criminal scenes. (example: identifying offenders, making evidence available for trials)
Homeland Security - in response to 9/11, prevention for terrorist attacks. responding to threats. (example: boarder patrol)
Law and Legal Studies
Security Administration - identification, management of risk in residential settings. (example: Cunningham)
Victimology - study of why people become victims.
Criminal Justice As System
The ways criminal justice agencies work together to process a case. The concept of a system. there is a process through which all cases progress, defined by a series of steps or activities that must occur in each case. process doesn't change. clear communication between agencies. all agencies share common set of goals & philosophies about what criminal justice should do and how it should operate.
Some scholar argue that Criminal Justice is a non-system. that authorities are people = no single point of view or rule.