The goals of the CJS are deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, rehabilitation, and restoration. Deterrence is giving trying to prevent crime with fear. Specific deterrence happens when an offender is arrested and has decided not to commit and other crimes because they understand the consequences of their behavior. General deterrence is taken a person who is caught and displaying to the public in hopes to scare them into not wanted the same consequences. Incapacitation removing offenders from society in some incarceration. Retribution is when revenge is taken on a perpetrator that must be punished. Rehabilitation is taking a criminal and reforming them. Restoration is making a victim find peace and forgiving the offender. These goals are to help in the ways the CJS do their jobs efficiently.
The first component of the CJS is law enforcement that would be the police. The police enforce the laws by serving the public and keeping them safe. Police investigate crimes, apprehend offenders, reduce and prevent crimes, maintain public orders, ensure community safety, respond to emergencies, and protects fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. The courts are the once that conduct fair and impartial trials. They do this by deciding criminal’s eases, ensuring due process, determining guilty or not, upholds the law, requires fairness, and protects rights and freedom to anyone facing