Investigating crime and apprehending offenders is only one of several functions that the police perform. The functions of the police include providing basic social services, maintaining order, and controlling crime. The police help people who need emergency assistance, whether it is giving first aid or finding lost children. Typically, over fifty percent of the telephone calls to the police requesting assistance involve social service as compared with less than twenty percent relating to crime. In the area of crime control, the police engage in a range of activities, such as patrol and criminal investigation. According to the American Bar Association 's Standards Relating to the Urban Police Function, there are eleven major responsibilities. Police or Law enforcement must, identify criminal offenders and criminal activity and, when appropriate, to apprehend offenders and participate in later court proceedings, reduce the opportunities for the commission of some crimes through preventive patrol and other measures, aid individuals who are in danger of physical harm, protect constitutional guarantees, facilitate the movement of people and vehicles, assist those who cannot care for themselves, resolve conflict, identify problems that are potentially serious law enforcement or government problems, create and maintain a feeling of security in the community, promote and preserve civil order, and provide other services on an emergency basis. The
Citations: Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminal Justice Today an introductory text for the 21st century. (11 ed., Vol. 052, pp. 16-17). 1 Lake St., Upper Saddle River, NY 07458: Prentice Hall Inc. Daubard, C. (2011, February 07). Standards on urban police function. Retrieved from Spellbinder, M. (1999-2013). Purpose of the criminal justice system. Retrieved from