FROM: Garret Ostergaard
DATE: 9/23/2013
RE: Assignment 2.1 - What is Justice?
The ideological score I received on the brainstorming worksheet was 7. Now that can mean different things depending on how people look at different scenarios and situations when it comes to justice. Justice in my own definition would be giving each person what he or she deserves or in other terms, giving each person his or her due. However, many people relate the terms fairness and justice. Justice has usually been used with the reference to the standard of rightness. Others believe fairness is used to the regard to an ability to judge without reference to someone’s interests or feelings. However, when someone thinks justice is giving each person what he or she deserves, it does not take the situation very far. Justice has fundamental principles and some of those principles were first defined by Aristotle over two thousand years ago. His thought on justice is that equals should be treated equally and unequals treated unequally. I agree with his definition one hundred percent. It hits the mark and I believe that’s how every person should be treated unless they have done something wrong or something that they differ in relevant to the situation which they were involved in (Justice and Fairness). When I think about justice being served, I believe the victim should benefit the most from the crime. I believe because what the victim went through, they want to see the same thing happen to the accused. I hear from my mother all the time that if someone can hurt and put someone in danger, that the victim should be able to do the exact same thing that was done to them to the accused. If someone can hurt an innocent person for no reason than why can’t the victim be able to do the exact same thing to the accused? In the past two decades, victims have relentlessly argued for increased victim participation in the criminal