Riding a motorcycle or bicycle without a helmet
BASE jumping from city buildings
Individual purchase and consumption of recreational drugs
Driving a motor vehicle without a seatbelt
Prostitution and/or soliciting for prostitution
Public nudity and fornication
The consumption of pornography (not involving children or coercion) o Victimless crimes usually regarded more seriously include:
Unlicensed prizefights and similar activities of a sporting nature where the players consent and the audience actively approves of what they see.
Assisting someone to die at his or her request. Expo facto o Cannot punish someone for a crime they committed when it was legal What rites does a defendant have according to arrest o Miranda rights
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.
Do you understand these rights I have just read to you? What is the difference between misdemeanor and felony o A misdemeanor is generally a crime that is punishable for a year or less in prison, or only in a county or local jail. o a felony is a crime for which the punishment in federal law may be death or imprisonment for more than one year Habeas corpus o Right to know what charges are brought against you
Based on existing law o the right of every prisoner to challenge the terms of his or her incarceration in court before a judge Status crimes o Leaving the scene of a crime o consumption of alcohol o tobacco smoking o Truancy o running away from home Why do people commit crimes o Drugs o Selling o Aggravation o Gang initiation o Peer pressure o Lack of education o Revenge o Thrill o To hide a previous crime o Power control o Alcohol o Money List federal crimes Supreme court