-Poverty Outlaw
-What problems would social structure theories point to as facilitating crime?
--> lack of opportunity, (resulted from deindustrialization), social problems (crime is a social problem) culture conflict theory-->
-So, what kind of solutions does this point to?
Practical Application of Social Structure Theories:
Chicago Area Project (1930s-current):
-->educational & recreational programs for underprivileged youth
-Citizen mobilization to clean up neighborhoods
-Intervention on behalf of teens in the CJ system
*Weed & Seed:
-Control and prevent crime through collaboration b/w law enforcement, DA & community
-Coordinating existing community resources and build new
-Comminty-oriented policing approach
*Johnson's War on Poverty:
--> Systematic change in urban communities to eliminate "criminal opportunity structures"
--> How do fundamentals beliefs about the cause of crime influence policy intiatives?
Major Principles of Social Process Approach:
-Crime is socialized behavior
-Socialization: process whereby culture is transmitted
-Agents of socialization: family, peer groups, educational/religious, authority figures, media
Table 9.1
Social Learning Theories:
-Focus on process involved in learning criminal behavior (crime is a learned behavior)
-Adopting criminal behavior patterns discessed via 3 learning components:
--> differential association, differential reinforcement, differential identification
Differential Association:
-Edwin Sutherland
-All significant aspects of human behavior are learned
-People are exposed to many behvior patterns: (some labeled criminal some are not)
-Differential Association: Criminal behavior results from having more contact w/ individuals holding aattitudes favorable to crime than w/ those holding attitudes discouraging it.
Criminal behavior is learned by interacting with others