Name: Yeo Chee Wah
IC: 911014-14-5233
Subject: Business Ethics, Individual assignment (Crisis Management)
Student ID: SCM-006035
Lecturer: Puan Zuraida
As I had been attended the Business Ethics class, I learn something about crisis. On my own knowledge, crisis is some kind of unexpected event happens that we couldn’t predict at all. Crisis could bring us a lot of effects. For example we would experience depression or stress when we met a serious crisis. There are few types of crisis. Natural disaster, industrial accident, product or service failure, public relations, business and management and also legal are the different types of crisis. Natural disaster is the crisis that we so called acts of God, for example flood and earthquake. Industrial accident is happened among the factory. High produces factory will always cause fire, toxic release and also construction collapse. Definition of product or service failure is the product recall, communications failure, systems failure, machine failure causes massive reduction in capacity, faulty or dangerous goods, and health scare related to the product of industry. Public relations mostly happen in a company. For example, pressure group or unwelcome media attention, adverse publicity in the media and removal or loss of Chief Executive Office. Example of crisis that happen among business and management is hostile takeover, sudden strike by workforce or that of a key supplier, major customer withdraws its support, competitor launches new product, and suddent shortfall in demand. Product liability, health scare and employee or other fraud is related to legal crisis. As a short conclusion, we need to learn on crisis management in order to prevent a sudden crisis happen to us. It’s so important that we learn how to manage the crisis not only for individuals, but also for all people nearby around us. 1. What is the nature of crisis?
There are 3 important