Student ID: P12000990
MODULE: Business Crisis and Continuity Management (CORP3364)
MODULE TUTOR: Dr Brahim Herbane
DATE: 25th November 2013
Crisis leadership evaluation and business crisis planning
It is true that leadership is of the significant value in many aspects of business organizations. An outstanding leadership usually means a wise brain within an organization and it can solve the problems in a logical way. Similarly, when crises approach a company, it is extremely necessary to keep a clear mind to work through it. Under the purpose to manage the unpredictable crises that will take place at any time for any reason at any place in an …show more content…
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ICM (2009) Annual Institute of Crisis Management Report for 2009. Institute for Crisis Management.
James, E. J. and Wooten, L. P. (2005) Leadership as (Un)usual: how to display competence in times of crisis. Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 34, Issue 2, pp 141-152
Liz, T. (2012) Managerial Perceptions of Crisis Leadership in Public and Private Organizations: An Interview Study in the United States, International Journal of Management. Vol. 29, No. 2, Part 2,