
Crisis Persuasive Speech

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My fellow americans….. We’re in a crisis. I am here for a very simple yet an important reason, and that is to say that things need to change, on behalf of the American people. We have been so reliant on the money of the federal government and to take that reliance and put nearly all of it in military spending,is just wrong. I have been consistently in awe at the way that we spend 598 billion yearly on the military and unless we want every other federal program to be massively cut we need to stop and cut back on military funding. Try to imagine all the people in the United States struggling to put food on the table for their families, while the military spends $500 on a screwdriver. It’s outrageous, but it happens every day. With unemployment rates skyrocketing the U.S. cannot afford these prices anymore. President Trump wants to increase the military budget by 56 billion and if this happens the people of the The United States are in for serious trouble and major cutbacks to things we actually need such as a better education we are by far number one in the military yet we are 17th in …show more content…

In an article written by BBC news states that china will increase military spending by 7% in 2017. A 7% increase in china's military spending is still nowhere near the military budget of the united states. We spend nearly a whopping 400 billion more dollars on our military than china does yet we still continue to add billions more dollars to the budget. The U.S. is worried because we do not know the weapon systems in which they are developing. Instead of the government being worried about our own people, our own social programs, we are worried about china that spends 27.8% less on military! It is absolutely ridiculous what the government's’ priorities are. We have children fighting for an education, unemployment rates continuing to rise and the government is worried about another

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