Journal Article Critique #1
December 2012
Scharfstein, L., Alfano, C., Beidel, D., & Wong, N. (2011). Children with generalized anxiety disorder do not have peer problems, just fewer friends. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 42,712-723. doi: 10.1007/s10578-011-0245-2
Article Critique of "Children with Generalized Anxiety Disorders Do Not Have Peer Problems, Just Fewer Friends"
Lindsay Scharfstein is one of the authors of this article. She is originally from New Jersey and received her Bachelors Degree of Arts in Psychology from University of Maryland in 2005. Her focus in research targets specific childhood anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, selective mutism, obsessive compulsive disorder, and separation anxiety disorder with a particular emphasis of study on individuals suffering from anxiety and impairment in social skill. The purpose of this article to encourage the reader to consider the effects of Anxiety Disorders with children. I am intrigued with this article because I see symptoms of withdrawal in my four year old son, Mathias. I am left to wonder if the cause of these symptoms are his environment, personality (alike to his father) or his inherited male tendencies to dislike frequent conversations. How often can we as a society accurately pinpoint the cause of Anxiety Disorders (AD) in children when properly considering their interpersonal or extra-personal challenges? Learning to observe the behavior of society is extremely intriguing in my opinion. Observing the behavior of Mathias in different environments/groups of people is very interesting. In my opinion, it is critical that a child's behavior is assessed in all environments: The Social Competence and Social Problems Scales were examined in the current study based on their specific relation to peer variables. Six items comprise the Social Competence Scale measuring the