[NOTE: WritePoint comments are computer-generated writing and grammar suggestions inviting the consideration and analysis of the writer, not infallible statements of right/wrong, and they should not be used as grading elements. Also, at present, WritePoint cannot detect quotations or block-quotes, so comments in those areas should be ignored.] Expository Essay, Healthy Eating and the Workplace 1 [Write out numbers under 10]
Healthy Eating in the Workplace
University Of Phoenix
COM/150 Expository Essay Writing
Sarah Hughes
May 23rd, 2010
COM 150 Expository Essay, Healthy Eating and the Workplace 2 [Write out numbers under 10] Most would ask why is it important to eat healthy at work? With a healthy eating life style [The preceding two words are spelled as one word] [Spelling error. The preceding is one word.] being incorporated [The passive voice is a form of "be" (being) and a participle (incorporated). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs officious and tedious to read. Try to use the active voice most often, e.g., the student completed the paper on time. The passive voice version--The paper was completed on time by the student--See eCampus > Center for Writing Excellence > Tutorials & Guides > Grammar & Writing Guides > Active & passive voice] into all [Try to eliminate "all" or "all of"; often the meaning is the same without these words] aspects of life, it should
References: Siebenaler, Mary Jo. (2006) Healthy Eating in the Workplace. Retrieved from: www.marshfieldhealthylifestyles.org Magee Elaine, MPH, RD (2010). Easy, Healthy Workplace Snacks. Retrieved from: www.webmd.com/diet/fratures/easy-health-workplace.snacks Mind, Body & soul. (2010). Wired of Health. Retrieved From: www.mindbodysoul.gov.uk/eating/bgh.html COM 150