The book “Wings of Fire”, is the autobiography of Dr. APJ Kalam. It constitutes an astonishing reading for all ages. There is something that everybody can extract from this book. In this book, the authors tell us the story of a young Muslim boy who has big dreams about his future and what inspires him to become an renowned scientist. This real story tells us the role of family, relatives and friends in helping a person in achieving his goals. Apart from the very indicative title, the chapters of the book are also touching –orientation, creation, propitiation, and contemplation.
The First Chapter of the book is Orientation which contains 32 years of his early life – days as a child, going through adolescence and getting into rocketry. His description of the people, who shaped his life, interweaving religion and education, is a charming part of the book that almost nobody would miss reading.
Chapter 2 entitled ‘Creation’ describing the next seventeen years till 1980 covers his struggle at ISRO going from one-engineer-amongst-many to the successful project director of SLV bringing pride to the nation through the technological achievement of putting a satellite in the orbit.
The next ten years are set out in chapter 3. These constitute the outstanding accomplishments at DRDL. The way he transformed the laboratory from one which had a weak heart with little confidence to one which felt a sense of strong self-esteem and could feel proud by contributing developed missile systems to the services, is a remarkable story.
The last chapter entitled ‘Contemplation’ contains a compression of ideas and thoughts arising out of his colourful life, the awards that he received (the highest honour, and some messages for the future generation.
The author through this book and the various chapters builds a quick relationship with the reader, who is fascinated. It stresses on the point that the youth should not get disheartened by failures. According to