Module: HRM4003D Human Resource Management
Essay Title:
‘HRM can be seen as a distinctive approach to the management of people, which contrasts with more traditional approaches to personnel management’. Critically explore and analysis this statement and the challenges of implementing HRM.
Submitted by: Liesel Butterfield
Student Number: 13204579
Lecturer: Sile O’Donnell
Submission Date: 2nd of December 2013
Word Count: 3,700
The development of Personnel Management
From the 1940s to the 1970s increased status and focus was given to the personnel function within organisations. During this period there was dramatic growth in the size and complexity of organisations which demanded a greater knowledge of the management of the workforce
(Gunnigle et al, 2011). The growth in workforce management came to the forefront particularly as a result of the growing significance of industrial relations. Derry (1991) defines industrial relations as ‘the behaviour and interaction of people that shape the employment relationship between management and labour’.
Personnel management developed as a specialist area concerned with the staffing function within organizations (Gardner et al, 1992). Personnel management specialists developed as experts in areas such as recruitment, selection, job design, and motivation (Gardner et al,
1992). Specialists had appropriate knowledge, experience and training in the field of human relationships (Singh et al, 1996). People are the most complex factor in an organisation and personnel management recognised the need for correct management of their personalities in order to maintain good industrial relations (Reddy, 2004). It concerned itself with solving the human problems of the organisation in a manner where maximum satisfaction of the employee were achieved and the goals of the organisation were accomplished to the fullest extent (Reddy, 2004).
It was regarded as a
Bibliography: Armstrong, M. (1987): ‘Human Resource Management: a case of the emperor’s new clothes’, Personnel Management, 30-35. Armstrong, M. (2003): A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Ninth Edition Armstrong, M. (2006): A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Tenth Edition Dransfield, R. (2000): Human Resource Management, Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers. Gardner, M and Palmer, G (1997): Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management in Australia, Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia. Gunnigle, S, Heraty, N and Marley, M.J (2011): Human Resource Management in Ireland. Ireland. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (2013) ‘Croke Park Agreement. Ireland. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (2013) ‘Haddington Road Agreement’ Legge, K. (1989): ‘Human Resource Management: a critical analysis’ in J.Storey (ed), New Perspectives on Human Resource Management, London and New York: Routledge. Millmore, M, Lewis, P, Saunders, M, Thornhill, W and Morrow, T (2007): Strategic Human Resource Management Price, A. (2007): Human Resource Management in a Business Context, London: Thomson Learning. Purcell, J. (2001), Personnel and human resource managers: power, prestige and potential. Singh, U.K and Dewan, J.M (1996): Global Management Series-1 Personnel Management, New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Torrington, D, Hall, L and Taylor, S (2005): Human Resource Management. Sixth Edition. Torrington, D. (1989): ‘Human Resource Management and the Personnel Function’ in J.Storey (ed), New Perspectives on Human Resource Management, London and New York: Wilton, R. (2011): An Introduction to Human Resource Management, London: Sage Publication Ltd.