There was dissatisfaction of friendship at the beginning of the short story. The narrator was uncomfortable when he heard about a blind man who will be coming to his house for a visit. This is what the narrator said; “a blind man in my house was not something I looked forward to.” “I wasn’t enthusiastic about his visit”. His reason for dissatisfaction was because of what he had watched in the movies. The movies gave the impression about how blind people act and looked like. He believes that blind men moved slowly, they never laughed and they are sometimes led by seeing-eye dogs. For his kind of person, he thinks that it is impossible for him to get close or be friends with a blind man. The narrator wrote at the end of the first paragraph that; “He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered Me.” the narrator feels that he can never get along with the blind man because of his kind of personality. The short story then moved to satisfaction of friendship at the end of the short story. At the end of the short story, the narrator tends to be comfortable with the presence of the blind man in his house. The narrator was able to have a good communication with the blind man. The blind man and the narrator got to understand each order through the night as they were interacting. This was where he found out that the mentality he had always been having about blind people was wrong. The narrator said;
“I remembered having read somewhere that the blind didn’t smoke because as speculation had it, they couldn’t see the smoke they exhaled. I thought I knew that much and