The astronomer was obviously obsessed with his work leaving little time to act as a husband. The marriage appears to be one that compromises Mrs. Ames's, and perhaps the astronomer's, happiness. This is where the plumber is introduced and Mrs. Ames begins to find stimulation outside her marriage. Something as simple as a conversation with a plumber about a stopped elbow is enough to trigger an awakening in Mrs. Katherine Ames. When Mrs. Ames realized that the plumber was talking about something she understood, she in turn realized that her marital problems were not the result of a division between the sexes; instead, she avalid one. She is not happy with a man who wants to go "up" and that she rather prefers "down". Through meeting the plumber, she recognizes this and is "called to go down". Mrs. Ames is seeking happiness and someone in whom she can relate. She needs something that speaks to her, something that means something to
The astronomer was obviously obsessed with his work leaving little time to act as a husband. The marriage appears to be one that compromises Mrs. Ames's, and perhaps the astronomer's, happiness. This is where the plumber is introduced and Mrs. Ames begins to find stimulation outside her marriage. Something as simple as a conversation with a plumber about a stopped elbow is enough to trigger an awakening in Mrs. Katherine Ames. When Mrs. Ames realized that the plumber was talking about something she understood, she in turn realized that her marital problems were not the result of a division between the sexes; instead, she avalid one. She is not happy with a man who wants to go "up" and that she rather prefers "down". Through meeting the plumber, she recognizes this and is "called to go down". Mrs. Ames is seeking happiness and someone in whom she can relate. She needs something that speaks to her, something that means something to