There is the responsibility for health professionals to take good care of patients, also to seek and provide better choice and outcomes for clinical practice. Therefore, as nurses should develop critically appraising research skill in order to improve the clinical practice outcomes and nursing care from the current evidence includes Clinical Guidelines, evidence-based practice journal articles and so on. A critical appraisal can be explained as “the process of assessing the information’s validity, integrity and the relevance to the clinical practice by systematically observing the current evidence” (Gerrish & …show more content…
The CPGs clearly show the membership and terms of reference of working as well as advisory groups who contributed the effort to the guidelines. They are including, the multidisciplinary expert working group (EWG) and an independent advisory committee monitored the process of development guideline on behalf of the Department of Health and Ageing. The target audience of the guidelines are clearly defined. These GPGs are used by policy makers, administrators, funders, and healthcare workers who are responsible for planning, organising and deliver of care for stroke patients during their recovery from stroke or …show more content…
The EWG filtrated 134 specific clinical questions about intervention linked to stroke care. These questions developed in three parts include: the intervention, the outcomes and the population. Systematic identification of relevant studies was managed by an external consultant between May and August of 2009; the consultant searched through the EMBASE, Medline and Cochrane databases. Where relevant to rehabilitation, discharge planning or long-term recovery searched from CINAHL and Psychinfo databases. Studies, which related to physical therapy, searched from The PEDro database. A second updated search of the literature was conducted up to February 19, 2010, by using Medline and EMBASE databases. Updated Cochrane reviews were also included. The CPGs also outline the specific date of the questions used from the previous acute management guidelines 2007 and the previous rehabilitation guidelines 2005. Additionally, the search strategies have listed on the CPGs, for example, the search terms, relevant evidence filters and so