Shakespeare’s play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ starts off in Venice with Shylock as a simple money lender. His intentions seem reasonable to begin with, he sounds a nice man then he does a soliloquy saying how much hatred he has for Antonio, the Christian who treated him disrespectfully. Shylock conflicts his emotions again and speaks to Antonio in a joking manner which in his mind turns out to be the truth. In the play Shylock is a Jewish usurer who lends money to Bassanio he can go to Belmont and win over Portia. Antonio agrees to pay back the three thousand ducats for Bassanio when his Merchant ships arrive back in Venice. Shylock agrees to this with the exception that if Antonio fails to repay Shylock, Shylock is allowed to cut a pound of flesh from anywhere on Antonio’s body. Antonio signs the bond. Later in the play Shylocks daughter, Jessica, runs away with the Christian boy, Lorenzo, taking some of her fathers precious gold and jewels including her mothers ring. In Venice, Antonio’s ships go bust and he has to go through trial for the bond. Portia, dressed as a lawyer, wins the trial for Antonio. In Act 1 Scene 3 Bassanio is asking for a lend of money off of Shylock. Shylock thinks about this and says that Antonio trustworthy man to receive a payment off of yet he still hates him for he is a Christian. He agrees to the bond. Antonio then enters the scene and speaks with Shylock. Both of them have different views on money lending and Antonio insults his religion making Shylock very annoyed. Eventually Antonio accepts the proposal and Shylock is willing to lend the money and take no interest but if he doesn’t repay the loan on time, Shylock is allowed to take a pound of flesh from anywhere he wants. Antonio accepts to this proposal while Bassanio doesn’t lie the sound of it:
‘Then meet me forthwith at the notary’s Give him direction for this merry bond,