This book has given numerous examples that prove the need for justice amongst cultures. These examples help readers to be informed of their ethnocentric views. The usage of the peaceable realm gives readers a roadmap to obtaining cultural justice. The purpose of this book is fulfilled. Leaders are educated on the importance of mutual invitation, which brings forth patience to them as they serve in multicultural communities. The author provides consistency and logic in his explanation of various terms including Power Distance. Learning that High and Low Powers have such an impact of how power is used unequally was a new aspect for my understanding. The transparency and clarity in this book was essential for me. I …show more content…
“Many white English speaking people enter a multicultural situation with dread and apprehension that the other might accuse them of domination and oppression. Many people of color stop accepting invitations to multicultural gatherings, knowing that they will be ignored and put down one more time and that the result will be a waste of their time.” (Law, 1993, p.3) This quote resonated with my professional experiences while in non-for-profit organizations the last 10 years. Until a merger happened, with a previous job, I was the only African American within the organization. I was also the only person specifically working with people of color. I created an Outreach Specialist committee to touch base with the other Outreach Specialist in other offices that were now connected after the organizational merger. The other Outreach Specialist, were woman of color who were also working with diverse groups. We solely ran our meetings and were successful in sharing ideas, creating activities, and communicating tips that assisted in engaging and recruiting members. Without communicating our group had been taken over by the European managers who didn’t work directly with these populations and our conversations were drowned out. We no longer wanted to attend these meetings and we truly felt unheard and as if our expertise no longer mattered. It was interesting to see that I am not the only one who has experienced this matter. I truly felt connected to this reading and the author made the experiences feel like my own personal