In the past years, the use of novel and more natural substances to provide alternative treatments and improvement in various aspects of the human life and environment has raised many questions on whether these are safer than the traditional methods. Water treatment using an extract from the seed of Moringa oleifera is an example to these alternative approaches. The aim of the study was clearly identified as an assessment of the genotoxicity of Moringa oleifera seed powder and the water-soluble Moringa oleifera lectin, which can be isolated from the seeds. The purpose of the study was well stated in both abstract and introduction, however the hypothesis was not stated within the text. Moreover, the title of the paper precisely states the subject to be analysed, thereby demonstrating clarity and specificity.
Upon analysing the overall significance of the study according to the author’s justifications and literature review. It was noticed that there was a great variety of opinions and finds stated in the introduction regarding the many uses of similar natural compounds in medicine and public health. These covered both the positive and negative aspects related to the use of other natural compounds, the outcomes of studies performed using Moringa oleifera seed powder itself and the finds on the effects of Lectin on a range of organisms. The author’s have successfully included valid points to justify the purpose of their research as well as ensuring that these points related directly to the purpose of the study.
The Genotoxicity Evaluation of Moringa oleifera Seed Extract and Lectin study was funded by the Conselho nacional de Desenvolvimanto Cientifico e Tecnologico, the Fundacao de Amparo a Ciencia e Tecnologia do estado de Pernambuco and