Critical Issue Analysis
After reading the selected critical issue, use the following questions to analyze the issue. Issue 3 – Is Psychological Debriefing a Harmful Intervention for Survivors of Trauma?
1. What are at least two facts presented by each side of the critical issue? Devilly & Cotton who represent the con side of the agreement present many different facts. Two that stand out is: that psychological debriefing “. . . more of a “moral maintenance” intervention qua gesture of employer support, rather than a clinical intervention influencing distress and clinical symptomatolgy. (Halgin, 2009, p. 68.) Devilliy & Cotton also point to the fact it is a company’s way to protect again unwanted litigation. By providing employees with psychological debriefing it keeps them from later having an employee suing the company for damages from the traumatic event.
Mitchell points out that crisis intervention is a support system for those who have suffered trauma. Also note that for a fact that Critical Incident Stress Management “. . . program includes many tactics and techniques, but it is not limited to. . .” Crisis assessment services and strategic planning programs Family support services Individual, peer-provided crisis intervention services. Pre-crisis education programs Large group crisis interventions The provision of food and fluids to work crews Rotation and resting of work crews Advice to command staff and supervisors Small group crisis interventions Follow up services and referral services Post-crisis education And many other services. (Halgin, 2009, p. 77).
2. What are at least two opinions presented by each side of the critical issue?
Con: 1. They claim that “During times of organizational upheaval and personal and interpersonal crisis, organization frequently access the services of psychologist to help mitigate the long-term