As it is realized by more and more people, especially executive managers and researchers, corporate culture plays a crucial role in the success of an organization. For many companies that have gained exclusively high fame, exposure and wealth, organizational culture is moreover an invisible property owned by the company. From 1970s, people began to understand the high competition from Japanese industry with unique corporate cultural background. Companies in America were found to behave very much like what happened in Japan (Parker 2000). It is usually known that a strong and positive corporate culture is a true asset under the perspective of economic and accounting. Although its advantages have been identified for decades, difficulties in how to utilize, develop and manage corporate culture remain to be uncertain. In this essay, the argument will be illustrated in three sections. The definition and significance of corporate culture will be introduced in the first section in detail. After that, deficiency of managing corporate culture will be discussed in separated two sections. The first section will talk about difficulties in developing and defining an appropriate organizational culture. The second section will concentrate on the shortage of expected employees and obstructions of managing human resources. What kind of labour a company wants, what kind of atmosphere a company intends to achieve, and the paradox between the two will be discussed within this section.
The actual meaning and significance of corporation culture
In such a globalized society, there are many intensive competitions and companies desperately require a way to differentiate them from others. Here comes the corporate culture, which allows such business organizations to thrive and sustain under excessive competitions. The first thing that should be understood clearly is the definition of culture. Commonly
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