The paper addresses innovative change in the education system in the United States. The paper briefly describes the New Jersey Standard revision project and evaluates it success as channel for innovative change.
Standards Revision Project
The 2009 Core Curriculum Content Standards Revision Project was initiated by the New Jersey Department of Education. The project seeks to adjust and improve standards in nine subject areas. These are Visual and Performing Arts, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Standards, Science, Social Studies, World Languages, Technology and 21st-Century Life and Careers. The primary objective of the project was to align the content of these subject areas with the knowledge and skills necessary for postsecondary education and the workplace. The project also seeks to incorporate into the content of these subjects, 21st century knowledge, skills, themes, and global outlook (New Jersey Department of Education, 2009). The project stresses the need for development of competencies required in real world situations in an interconnected world. The conceptualized standards will be accompanied by resources that will enhance the combination of global understanding and skills with a professional development strategic plan for educators and school leaders.
The need to continuously evaluate education standards is crucial to ensure that the education system delivers appropriate skills and knowledge to students. The project will enhance the achievement of this goal. The project has been lauded by the stakeholders in the education system having been honored by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, a leading advocacy group focused on inculcating innovative and proactive 21st century skills into the education system (Asia Society, 2008). Achievement of the objectives of the project will go a long way in ensuring that the students who pass through the system will be equipped with the skills to be able to proactively handle the challenges of the 21st century. References
Asia Society, (2008), Integrate International Content into State Standards and Assessments, Education and Learning Accessed on 31st October 2009 from
New Jersey Department of Education, (2009), Standards Revision Project, Accessed on 31st October 2009 from
References: Asia Society, (2008), Integrate International Content into State Standards and Assessments, Education and Learning Accessed on 31st October 2009 from New Jersey Department of Education, (2009), Standards Revision Project, Accessed on 31st October 2009 from