In the story Romeo and Juliet by, William Shakespeare this statement is proven right. The characters Romeo and Juliet fall in love and marry but they didn't think what could happen. They kept doing what they were doing because they thought they had found love. Did not think of the consequences. The theme in the story is love, which drives the story. If Romeo or Juliet had thought about what they were doing the book would have been different they would not have died for each other's love.
Also in the story Night the main character is Elie Wiesel whom is also the author. The boy keeps surviving brutal treatment and moving from camp to camp through harsh environments for the love of his father and so he could see his family again. Most people would not have survived but he still did because of his emotions. Because of his fear of the Nazis and his fear of losing his dad he was able to survive. Without those emotions he would have no chance.
Those are a few reasons why I think the quote "All Literature shows us the power of emotion, It is emotion, not reason, that motivates characters in literature." Is true. Even though the good thing maybe there the characters keep going in opposite directions or other directions because they feel that 1 to be the right or don't care what happens to them as long as they go that way.