In this literature The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Ralph who struggle to survive on an inhabited island from a plane accident. Ralph was elected leader to lead the children to survive on the island until someone rescues them. Ralph believes in civilization and Jack believes in savagery. When Jack and Ralph clash between two beliefs, Ralph almost gets killed by Jack. When the other boys killed Piggy, Ralph flees from Jack’s tribe. Ralph survives from Jack and his tribe only because a naval officer arrived. This story relates to this critical lens because I never experience living on an inhabited island and I never experience of someone trying to kill you, the literature can substitute my experience that I have never experienced before. One literary element is point of view, Ralph follows his own belief in civilization and that Jack follows his belief of savagery.
Another literature that relates to this critical lens is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In this literature, the narrator, Scout tells the story of the experiences, and hears from adults when she was a child. Tom was an African American, who live in the south. Tom was accused of raping a girl. In the end Tom was found guilty. Word spread that Tom tries to escape prison and was shot. Scout continues to grow as the story progress on. Scout accepts that this world has evil society but she also believes that there a good society too. This critical lens relates to this literature because I never experience being accused of raping a girl, this story can substitute the experience I have never experienced before. One element is chronological order