Like me, many students believe that procrastinating and writing a one-draft paper is the best way to approach a writing assignment; however, research claims this method has numerous negative effects on the individual. Therefore, other students and I should learn to begin their writing process in advance in order to avoid the feelings of fatigue, guilt, and anxiety after turning in an important…
The classic dystopian novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, describes a group of…
Often in life and in literature, people find themselves in overpowering situations. This is what Herodotus was referring to when he wrote, “Men are at the mercy of events and cannot control them.” In other words, people suffer not because of their own actions, but because of the situation in which they find themselves. This is true in considering Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck because George and Lennie, the two protagonists, and other minor characters suffer due to events beyond their control. Herodotus’ quotation is also true in considering William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, because the protagonists, Romeo and Juliet, are also overpowered by the forces that surround them. Herodotus’ quote proves particularly true in considering the setting of both novels, the conflicts within the two texts, and the characterization of the protagonists and even the minor characters within the novels.…
An anonymous source once stated, “When fighting the Dragon, be fearful of becoming the Dragon itself”. This quote means that one’s trepidation of becoming or saying things that one’s contrary to. This quote is true because often times contradiction and hysteria can occur which leads to a change in opinion. The Crucible by Arthur Miller and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer equally prove this quote to be true through the use of literary elements or techniques. Characterization and conflict are used in the two works of literature to benefit to prove this quote accurate.…
Martin Luther King, JR once said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” This quote means that we only see people’s true color when they are faced with trouble or problems. I agree with this quote because you never know the people’s feelings until you know the problem they are faced with or are facing. Monster by Walter Dean Myers and Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson used theme and setting to prove the critical lens. The main characters in both these novels overcome challenging situations by taking advantage of the opportunities presented to them. In their struggle to make the best of their circumstances, the main character Melinda in Speak and Steve in Monster illustrate the critical lens.…
write a critical essay in the story "Thank you,M'am" by Langston hughes of literature you have read from the particular perspective of statement that is provided for you in the critical lens.In your essay, provide a valid interpretation of the statement, agreeor disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it, and support your opinion using specific references to appropriate literary elements from this work of literature.…
Pythagoras once said, “Choices are the hinges of destiny.” The decisions that people make will ultimately lead them to their future. Ray Bradbury and Ayn Rand illustrate this idea in Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem, respectively. Both authors portray this idea with the characters decisions in each novel.…
I remember when I would get an essay assignment in high school. My writing process consisted of only one draft, and no audience to read my essay to give any feedbacks. It would take me a really long time to get…
J.F. Clarke once stated, “The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience.” To me, this statement means that any individual who follows their conscience, and what they find to be right or wrong, is most brave, or strong, because they step away from society’s opinion and go with their own feelings whether it be what they need or desire. I agree with this statement because I also feel that an individual who listens to their conscience shows bravery. In my opinion someone who follows their conscience rather than society’s standards shows a lot of strength. It takes a lot of character for a person to leave their comfort zone to do the right thing, especially when that person has no support. Two literary works that support my opinion are The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. In both of these literary works the protagonists are faced with life altering decisions where they must make choices and differentiate right from wrong while having no support from other characters.…
Restatement of thesis: In the end, we can see that Kafka’s point should be believed; the mariner’s suffering proved that art can change how we view nature and the wedding guest himself showed an example of how stories change…
Anne Lamott said, “Good literature substitutes for an experience which we have not ourselves lived through.” Good literature allows individuals to live through events which they have not encountered in their lives. I agree with this quote because I believe it is true. This quote is shown to be true through the books, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. In both pieces of literature, characters had an experience which we haven’t had or been through. Books help us understand the situations that we haven’t faced yet.…
I am providing a thinking lens and a written reflection about the event In the spirit of the Studio; an interview with kindergarten educators; and the Reggio Emilia workshop, Healthy Teachers, and Art workshop thinking lens and the Presbyterian Preschool observation thinking lens, as an example of my understanding of the standard 6c. Engaging in continuous, collaborative learning to inform practice.…
J.F. Clarke once said, “The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience.” I think that what Clarke meant is that people who listen to their heart, people who do what they know or believe to be right, even if everyone else is or would be against them for it, are the bravest people of all. I agree with this quote because it’s usually hard to do the right thing, especially if one has no support. Two books that show this are Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and Lightning by Dean Koontz.…
I have learned that revising your writing makes it way better than before. You find your mistakes and realize you can replace words such as “bring to” to a different high vocabulary word such as “cease”. I know now that there is no way to make your paper perfect. There will always be a word, words, or sentence you could change.In addition, I’ve gained a better understanding on passive and active sentences. Once I was done writing my paper, and began to reread it I found some passive sentences. All I did was revise the sentence which helped my writing flow better. Initially, I read the first paper I wrote for the Quarter 1 Writing Assessment and I noticed that I didn’t follow the directions completely. As I read on, there were many simple sentences and not many transitional words.…
the assignment was to write a second person point of view informative on how to become any occupation of our choice (Naturally I chose the occupation astronaut, a occupation I knew practically nothing on beyond what I could pick up from Sandra Bullock and George Clooney). The essay was difficult to write, it challenged the entirety of my knowledge of grammar. I persevered and wrote a great paper I was proud of. In that class I learned more than how to better my writing but how to appreciate writing and the power it has. It was that class that made me realize the pen truly is mightier than the sword, as lame as that sounds.…