The role of media violence in violent crime has been exaggerated is very much an issue Media violence has become a scapegoat, onto which we lay blame for a host of social problems. Sociologist Todd Gatling describes how "the indiscriminate fear of television in particular displaces justifiable fears of actual dangers—dangers of which television ... provides some disturbing glimpses." Concerns about media and violence rest on several flawed, yet taken-for-granted assumptions about both media and violence. These beliefs appear to be obvious in emotional arguments about "protecting" children. So while these are not the only problems with blaming media, this [viewpoint] will address four central assumptions: (Mass Media, 2010).…
The author does not only use researched data to justify these arguments of media violence or "mock violence"; he also displays some opinions and beliefs of his own, toward these arguments as well. Rhodes discusses his ideas of politicians' impression of media violence as a scapegoat because they do not have control over violence in America. He also gives a good critique in my opinion by saying " Violence is on the decline in America, but if we want reduce even further, try protecting children from real violence in their real…
There has been disagreement with Jacoby’s argument since some believe the media isn’t responsible for violence at all. In his essay, “Hollow Claims about Violence,” Richard Rhodes argues that society isn’t really desensitized to violence and that all those claims are wrong. Rhodes addresses the reasons why these claims are false and why society shouldn’t listen to them. According to Rhodes, there is no direct link between exposure to violence in the media and violent behavior performed by people. Rhodes provides data from experiments and factual evidence that contain numbers and rates about homicides and violence in all parts of the world for all ages of society. Richard Rhodes concludes his argument with the fact that violence is actually declining in America, implying that Jacoby’s claim is wrong. Although Jacoby presents a valid argument, Rhodes does a better job in convincing the reader that Jacoby’s analysis is wrong through his effective use of factual evidence, recognizing flaws in opposing evidence, and use of a formal writing style.…
Mike Males, in “Stop Blaming Kids and TV,” inscribes government officials have blamed today’s media on the acts of kids and young adults, how the impact of violence, drug, and alcohol abuse can ruin children’s lives. Parents need to notice that their own behavior has a major influence on their children’s lives and futures. He makes strong statements that the media does not influence adolescent violence, drug, and alcohol abuse. He supports his opinion with many examples including the comparison of television violence and real actual violence. Males notes, “Kids will witness at least 200,000 acts of television violence by the time her or she are completing high school.”…
In Roberts Peters’ article “Censorship of Violence in Popular Entertainment Is Justified”, he writes about his personal concerns and his personal solutions to combat obscenity and uphold decency standards in the media. He believes that due to the many graphic and violent depictions in TV, films, music/RAP, video and computer games, the children in present society are easily influenced into acting out the media violence and turning it into real life violence. He believes that there are four main problems with media violence. The first problem is that is too much of it. The glut of media violence desensitizes viewers and contributes to the “mean world syndrome.” A second problem with media violence is that it can be easily imitated. He believes that the characters being depicted in the media are mostly glorified, youth characters who are troublemakers and engaged in behavior kids can readily imitate. A third in media violence is the manner in which it is depicted. He believes that the media does not show the purpose of the horror of violence, but rather the media portrays it as an exciting, pleasurable and effective way to handle problems. The fourth problem with media violence is Hollywood’s infatuation with guns, in which I quote, “Why should we be surprised to discover that kids want a gun? If Hollywood stopped glorifying possession and use of handguns, there would be fewer crimes committed by youth with handguns.” Peters wants us to know that whatever minor flaws there may be in enforcement of gun laws permitting crazy people to buy them, the real problem is that our media is saturated with violence. Although Peters’ tries to make valid points about the corruption of youth through media violence, he misses many opportunities to use prime examples as if he hasn’t done much research into the subject himself. I believe that his arguments are ineffective due to his lack of statistical evidence, such as crime rates statistics, to support his statements.…
There is are two opposite sides arguing against and for " violence in entertainment". The side which is " for " are the marketers who promote media with violence involved. Consumers enjoy violent forms of entertainment which allows businesses to ascend. Research proves that violence is something expected and desired by the consumers, which allows companies to make more profit. The side that is "against," argue that violence corrupts the society because it allows the promotion of violence. Research also proves that media incorporated with violence is associated with aggressive behavior found in children and young adults, aggressive behaviors such as lack of remorse for the consequences, violence against others, show signs of hostility, decreased emotional responses to violence and injury are the reasons why violence in media is arguing against.…
Everyone is influenced and shaped by society. Society affects our perceptions, our consciousness, and our actions. A majority of the influence, especially on the younger demographic comes through the media; specifically through television. It is important to examine how violence in the media develops a pervasive cultural environment that cultivates a heightened state of insecurity, exaggerated perceptions of risk and danger, and a fear-driven propensity for hard-line political solutions to social problems. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the impact of television and media violence, as well as the human cost of violent media, and the overall effects on society from watching TV.…
Dudley Erskine Devlin was born in Syracuse, New York and he teaches English at Colorado and writes articles regarding important issues that concerns the community, his essay ‘’Children and Violence in America’’ talks about the rising violence among children and points out that children are more and more often "both the victims and perpetrators" of violence. Devlin begins his article with various examples of kids shooting each other and killing themselves in acts of desperation. Then he questions the audience as to what is the underlying cause of this type of violence among children. He argues two main causes that either the cause underlies in violent TV programs that teach kids violent situations or the instability and economic issues in the kids’ families. Devlin suggest another third cause to the violence that kids are exposed too, the liberal media. Newspapers and network TV shows launch all sort of wild statics about children and teenage violence that argue that children confuse the violent images seen on TV and associate them with what can be done in real life. Going back his other argument that suggest that this type of violent behavior is associated with drug abuse, economic problems and instability within the household, Devlin argues that the best evidence for this argument is that the children and teenagers are already exposed to violence in their schools. Devlin goes back and states that there is truth in both of arguments, that TV and movies add violence to the American culture and that it is true that there is a place for violence in schools, but then again he suggests that newspaper media and network news explode dramatically y every kind of news that involves children and teenage violence. Devlin then argues that at the same time there are some un-harmful movies that do not get as much publicity as other harmful movies like Robocop or Terminator. Devlin finishes his essay by saying that the next time we read in our newspaper about a kid shot at a zoo…
Due to this fact, the connection between violence and aggression is self-evident, and the continual stream of violence through these forms of media do not help the matter in any regard. This is supported by Nancy C. Cornwell’s statement that “research supports a correlation between media violence and aggression.” Media can send many messages to those who are exposed to it, but this statement suggests that a less than savory ideal may be sent to younger audiences who happen to be exposed to it. As is evidenced by the fact that this influence from a form of media can be found in many cases where someone from a younger audience took the ideals portrayed too far. This is shown to be fact instead of speculation due to copycat crimes that can lead to devastating reenactments of fictionalized drama and horror being implemented in reality. There are many examples that support this statement like this given statement from Cornwell’s article “violence in Media,” “The numerous anecdotal examples of copycat rapes, suicides and violent crime, closely mimicking television drama, movie scenes and provocative song lyrics” (Cornwell). With the added perspective derived from this statement supplied by Cornwell, these ideas show the realistic evidence supplied by the facts given, which garners a far more vast well of knowledge, that leads to the…
* Your Learning Team has been assigned two articles to analyze for assignments in Weeks Three and Four. One article is a qualitative research study, and the other is a quantitative research study. Identify which article is which, and then complete the table where applicable. Write no more than three sentences in each cell of the table.…
Why did the twentieth century produce so many—and such vivid—dystopias, works of fiction depicting not an ideal future but a future as terrible as could be imagined? After all, never had material progress been greater; never should man have felt himself freer of the anxieties that, with good reason, had beset him in the past. Famine had all but disappeared, except in civil wars or where regimes deliberately engineered it; and for the first time in history, the biblical span—or longer—was a reasonable hope for many. Medicine had conquered the dread infectious diseases that once cut swathes through entire populations. Not to enjoy luxuries that Louis XIV couldn't have imagined now was evidence of intolerable poverty.…
argue that the media has a much more prominent role in causing disorderly conduct. Their studies suggest that, particularly amongst children, the portrayal of violent media can cause certain members of society to behave in particular ways. Although a link between viewing television of a violent nature and acting out what has been seen by the viewers has been established, it has not been conclusively proven that the former has directly led to the latter. Unlike the observations made by Hall et al. they do not take into account other explanations such as naturalistic or social factors, including intelligence, weakness and inequality, which it could be argued are the reasons for viewing that particular type of media in the first place.…
I will argue about the different forms of media violence such as violence in T.V commercials, Violence in Advertising, and a counter argument which argues about those who selective to media exposure violence,and the affects of these forms on children.…
Soon after, this was disregarded by the judge because there was no way to prove that that was the reason for the shooting. Manifestations of violence in many forms of media are believed to be not a new phenomenon, but an “example of history repeating itself” (Richardson and Scott 3). Studies show by the time an average American reaches the age of 18, they’ve witnessed 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence (Richardson and Scott 4). Cartoons have contained as much as 80 violent acts per showing as well as commercials for children’s television portray 50-60 times more violence than adult television programs since 2000 (Richardson and Scott). Also, rap musics profound and violent language doesn’t stop its sales, for Americans “purchased over $1.5 billion [in 1999] and rose up to “$1.8 billion in 2000”…
Many movies, television shows, music songs, and video games are filled with violence: murder scenes, nonstop profanity, rape and torture scenarios. By placing scenes like these in the movies for the children and teenagers to see, the media is causing them to become more violent than it already is. What has our society come to these days? Everywhere we look, violence is present; in the streets, back alleys, schools, and even at home. Even if one might be a pacifist, violence will keep its way into our homes through the television. Many parents these days are busy with their work, and sometimes it is hard to keep track what their children do. They are working singles or couples who must rely on others for the parenting and raising their children. Even baby sitters use television as the easiest source of entertainment for the children. Since every family has televisions and the children play video games almost every day, truly the media affects the children. The average hours of American youth watching television is about four hours, which means children spend more time watching television than in any other activity, except sleep, after school. So, parents should control the television that children watch. They need to be aware that media violence affects in the real world.…