Reflection is a skill that can be used to help nurses improve care by having a better understanding of their self and their practice situations (Dolphin, 2012). Throughout our nurse training, we are encouraged to reflect as much as possible. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2010b) essential skills clusters teach that nurses must use reflection to maintain their personal and professional development.
This assignment will be a critical reflection of my nursing practice focusing on the above domain from the Nursing and Midwifery Council standards of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education. Reflection is a vital to the development of and maintenance of competence (Paterson and Chapman, 2013). For my reflection I will be looking at six critical incidents from my practice experience and analyzing how they have contributed to the achievement of my chosen standard of proficiency. Any patients or practice areas will not be mentioned by name to comply with NMC (2008) code relating to confidentiality.
For my reflection, I will be using the model of reflection developed by Gibbs (1998) and will be referring directly to my own academic portfolio that can be found in the appendices of the assignment. Gibbs model incorporates six aspects of the reflection; description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, and action plan. The reflection begins with a brief description of the situation and a report of what I was thinking and feeling throughout the experience. Gibbs then suggest that I evaluate what was positive and negative about the experience and analyze what sense I can make of the situation. The reflection concludes with a suggestion of what else I could have done in that situation and what I would do if the situation were to arise again.
Placement 1