Student ID: 2012471
A Critical Review of
Effects of Synonym Generation on Incidental and Intentional L2 Vocabulary Learning During Reading
This research report written by Joe Barcroft examined effects of synonym generation on second language (L2) vocabulary learning during reading the both incidental and intentional vocabulary learning contexts. 114 Spanish-speaking university students at low- and high-intermediate proficiency levels participated in the study. They were assigned to one of four conditions: (a) Read for meaning only ( incidental ); (b) Read for meaning and try to learn the translated words ( intentional ); (c) Read for meaning and generate Spanish synonyms for the translated words ( incidental + semantic); (d) Read for meaning, try to learn the 10 translated words, and generate Spanish synonyms for the translated words ( intentional + semantic ), and they were asked to read an English passage containing 10 target words translated in the text. It was found that, Target word recall was higher when explicit instructions to learn new words were provided and when synonym generation was not required. Negative effects of synonym generation emerged in both the incidental and intentional learning Conditions. In this critical review, basically based on the structure of the report, comments will be issued upon literature review of the study, the research itself, as well as the pedagogical implications of the the research.
On Literature Review In this section, the author reviews many researches that leading up to the current study. The first part of the review examines theoretical perspectives and research with regard to semantic elaboration and memory for different types of target items. Joe Barcroft refers to three frameworks on vocabulary learning, namely the levels of processing (LOP), the transfer appropriate processing (TAP), and the type of processing-resource allocation (TOPRA) model. He further explains the
References: Barcroft, J. (2009). Effects of Synonym Generation on Incidental and Intentional L2 Vocabulary Learning During Reading. TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 43, No.1, 79-103. ----------------------- 1