From the beginning social work has endured a critical orientation. It has also encompassed a struggle with the tension presented within the focus on the individual and its concern regarding the socio-economic and political forces embedded in society. Within the analysis of critical social work practice, some have questioned wether or not there is a need to articulate the ‘critical’ concept of it, as it is deemed that social work is already ‘critical’ in the sense that it is committed to social as well as individual transformation.
Alston and Mckinnon (2001) have argued that professional social work is concerned with human rights, social justice and support for marginalised people. Material, social, political, economic and cultural are contexts which shape social work as a profession. This is because there is an emphasis placed on working in context. In saying this, one can identify the importance of understanding the main features of this context in broader terms and how they identify with critical practice.
Critical theory is known as a school of Western Marxism known as ‘the Frankfurt School’ and is a term that embraces numerous theoretical positions as it encompasses the writings of many writers such as Herbert Marcuse,