Reevaluation of My Critical Thinking
When I first discovered I would be enrolled in a Critical Thinking class, I felt it was just another boring class that makes me a more rounded student. I soon discovered that I would be challenge to evaluate my day-to-day thinking, choices I have made in life, how to better understand and evaluate my future decisions.
Critical Thinking is a discipline of thinking that is clear, rational, open minded and informed by evidence. I believe it is the way an individual dissects information that is presented and conducts one’s own thinking process to come to a conclusion. This may be presented to an individual in simple everyday occurrences or in a more difficult life changing decision. Whether the matter is pertaining to bias in the media or how one perceives daily life, we conduct critical thinking on a daily bases. The extent of an individual’s knowledge in the thinking is what develops the outcome.
The three most significant things I learned in this class are best described if I broke them down. Investigating issues and problems I feel was the topic that caught my full attention. I was unaware of the true meaning of these two words. The process of how to break down and evaluate issues and problems will be valuable in the future. Another topic I found very interesting is the portion of study on critical reading, listening, and viewing objectives. Just like my first topic, this section made me stand back and review how I conduct my thoughts while conducting these tasks. Six Stages of Critical Thinking I would also have to put in my top three. I was not aware that there is a stage to describe what type of thinker an individual is. With each stage, of critical thinking, broken down to help an individual better understand what type of thinker they are and how to overcome obstacles to progress to the next stage.
Sense beginning this class I find myself using the lessons I