In this reflective journal 1 report, i will summarize the most interesting journal of the first 3 week journal entries that i have written so far. Also, i will give the reason why i selected the entry. Moreover, i will identify the biases and assumptions related to the entries that i have questioned.
Among three journal entries, i think the most impressed and interesting entry is the reflective journal weekly entry 1. In this journal, i articulated my understanding of the concept on what is critical thinking before class and after class. From my previous definition of critical thinking to a fully understanding of critical thinking now, i attained the knowledge of critical thinking from some scholars' view. Specifically, Halpern defined the critical thinking with character of purposeful, reasonable and goal directed. Also, i realized the significance of applying critical thinking skills in daily life.
To illustrate the important role of critical thinking, i gave the example of my previous critical thinking application experience. Applying critical thinking skills, i analyzed data efficiently that source from the internat and make fairly judgment on what is real and believable. Then correct and trustworthy data was effectively collected and soon put in use.
The reason why i choose week 1 journal is that the first class impressed me a lot. It let me grasp a fully understanding of the critical thinking theory, making me know what knowledge i will get in the following class. What is most important, i began to understand the teaching intention of this unit. Just as mentioned in the journal entry, i found that critical thinking is being used in our normal life, everywhere and anytime. I will consciously exercise the critical thinking skills through applying that in business and daily life. No doubt, i strongly believe i will develop my autonomous and constructive critical capabilities to a high level after this unit.