The issue of global climate change is a prevalent topic in modern society. Many scientists and experts have presented their research on the drastic effects of this global phenomenon. Multitudes of people have responded positively to this advocacy by deciding to stand by the issue through changes in their way of living or disseminating new information they have acquired. We see here that by simply making data and research available to the public, something positive can be accomplished. Many do not realize that information is a powerful tool that can be used to make an influence and instigate change.
Global climate change is a topic that is research and data heavy. Theories cannot be proven and predictions cannot be justified without substantial research. Everyday something new comes out – oftentimes contradicting previous assumptions on the issue. Do we believe in everything presented? No. It is up to us to dissect which ones have substance and are fruits of true research. Critical thinking is required for we cannot blindly follow and believe what is said without forming our own conclusions. This does not assert our freedom as intelligent human beings. Global climate change is a big, important and substantial issue. Actions – what we do, what we believe in and especially what we know can all be a means to produce some kind of difference in the world. If we are too gullible and accepting, we will end up equipped with the wrong data and facts. Information is power and with the wrong information we are useless in bringing about actual change. Certain sectors of society – those who are educated and knowledgeable and those who can think critically can act as catalysts in reshaping the world. Therefore, properly concluding which are truths and fallacies is important especially when we want majority of the public to be well informed on the issue.
However, many educated and intelligent people can also be victims of the notion that