For submission
Hand out date : 20 April 2011
Hand in date : 20 June 2011
Table of content
Content Page number
Executive Summary 1
Definition of Interpersonal Skills 2
Strength of my interpersonal skills 3
Weaknesses of my interpersonal skills 4
Area of Improvement 5
Mind map 6
Conclusion 7
Reference 8
Executive Summary
In this assignment, my objective is to find out the definition of interpersonal skills, and discuss about interpersonal skills. Other than that, I would find out my own strength, weaknesses and a way to improve it. By finding out my own weaknesses, I can improve my interpersonal skills in a result of becoming a better person in a society. Lastly, I am going to talk about how well interpersonal skill can change the environment and the surrounding of the society.
Introduction of Interpersonal skills
Definition of interpersonal skills According to (, 2011), interpersonal skills means the skills used by a person to properly interact with others. In the term of business, interpersonal skill generally refers to an employee's capability to get along and communicate with others while achieving the goal or objective. Interpersonal skill simply related to communication such as speaking and listening. According to (, 2011), interpersonal skills involved encourage and giving out support to the other. Giving out positive opinion and constructive criticism are playing a very essential role in communicating. Hence, a successful management always have good interpersonal skill and also being negotiable. By having these skills, it will generally boost up the awareness in people in completing the task with obligation. According to (, 2011), interpersonal skills include the habits, attitudes, manners, appearance,