An Essay
Critical Thinking and its Relevance in Nursing Practice
Graham Ochieng
4th December, 2012
The practice of nursing has continually evolved from conventional caretaking to one that calls for a qualified practitioner to posses’ excellent critical thinking skills. This evolution has largely been brought about by the number of reported mishandling of patients by nurses. To counter this trait, the concept of critical thinking was inculcated in every nursing practitioner’s curriculum with the major aim of equipping the nurses with the much needed analytical capability that would consequently place them at a better position when it comes to taking care of as well as collecting information from patients. This essay will define the concept of critical thinking, explain its relevance with regard to nursing practice and also discuss the links between critical thinking and between the flags strategy.
Introduction Critical thinking is a paramount necessity that all aspiring nurses and those already in the practice should always demonstrate and put into effective use. Major technological progressions in the field of medicine have entirely transformed the practice of nursing to the extent that being in possession of outstanding academic training no longer qualifies one as a professional nurse. In addition to academic excellence, nurses need to be critical thinkers if they are to smoothly and effectively handle the day to day process of a rapidly changing practice. In today’s nursing profession, decision making is a common routine. Nursing practitioners are required to come up with logical and concise decisions in situations whereby there exist multiple decisions and not one entirely correct decision. Such scenarios require critical thinking capabilities that will ensure the dissemination of the most appropriate response with regard to the
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