Content / Theme/ Topic / Genre
Objectives Knowledge a. Identify subject of poems b. Understand point of view c. Communicate an informal personal response to poems d. Identify poetic devices and its effects in poems
No. of Items According to Knowledge Level Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis 2 (4 minutes) 1 (3 minutes)
Total no. of Item Evaluation 10 (40 minutes)
3 (16 minutes)
4 (17 minutes )
Comprehension (Objectives a. & b.)
1. What is the poem mainly about? (a.) A. The old Amah’s poor lifestyle. B. The persona’s expression of sadness for the old Amah. C. The old Amah who did not have anyone to take care of her in old age. D. The persona’s regret for not taking care of the old Amah. 2. Based on the poem, how does the persona feel about the old Amah’s situation? (b.)
3. What is the relationship between the persona and the old Amah? (a.)
Evaluation (c.)
1. How would you improve your living condition if you were the old Amah?
2. Should a family be responsible for taking care of their domestic helpers/ maids/ housekeepers even until old age?
3. In your opinion, should employers maintain a professional distance with a maid?
Analysis (d.)
1. List out 2 examples of the use of symbols in the poem.
2. Does the Old Amah have any family to take care of her? Provide evidence from the poem to support your answer.
3. Match the words with the correct meaning: 1. Trestle A. a rough prickly shrub or vine. 2. Spittoon B. a braced frame serving as a support. 3. Brambles C. pull or twist (someone or something) suddenly and violently. 4. Cubicle D. a bowl-shaped, usually metal vessel, often with a funnel-shaped cover, into which tobacco chewers periodically spit. 5. Wrenched E. a small partitioned space; especially: one with a desk used for work in a business office.
4. The overall tone of the poem is “helplessness”. How does the persona express this tone? Use evidence from the poem to