The idea of curriculum has been around for generations. However, the way in which we understand and theorise about the curriculum has changed vastly over the years. The word ‘curriculum’ comes from a Greek word which means ‘course’.
Stenhouse (1975) states that “Curriculum is an attempt to communicate the essential principles and features of an educational proposal in such a form that is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice”.
There are three ways of approaching curriculum theory and practice: 1. as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students – product 2. Curriculum as process 3. Curriculum as praxis
The dominant model of describing and managing education today is based on the product model. Education is seen as a technical exercise. Objectives are set, a plan drawn up and then applied and the end product measured. It has influenced education in the UK since the 1970s. An example of this would be such as when a person undertakes a qualification such as a (General Secondary Certificate of Education (G.S.C.E). They study a subject for a number of years on a specific programme and the outcome is measured at the end via an exam and the results are graded.
The product model relies heavily on setting of behavioural objectives. The curriculum in based on this approach is essentially, a set of documents for implementation.
In the process model the curriculum, as such is not a physical thing. It focuses on the interaction of teachers, students and knowledge, so the curriculum is what actually happens in the classroom therefore is a process of communication. In this model there are a number of interactive elements to consider. The teacher should have a clear picture of what their role is within the