This paper aims to compare the ideas of equal opportunities and sports equity with regard to sport in Britain. Within this structure, there will be particular emphasis on the theoretical approaches that are used to look at equality in British sport. A key part of this comparison is the study of (social) equality; this includes formal, radical and liberal interpretations of equality. The arguments and suggestions will be reinforced and supported by literature and other texts outside of just the sporting context.
Many sports historians such as Holt (1989) say that sport, pre 20th Century, was almost private and restricted to the upper class minority. Recreational sports had a complex set of laws (i.e. tennis) this was to restrict participation from the lower classes. Another vestige of the times was the limitation of sport to women; this was not necessarily written law but was accepted none the less. Racism in sport was not tackled or even considered until well into the 20th century when the government introduced laws and legislation that banned prejudice based on race. As a consequence of these legalities, many recognised sporting institution in Great Britain have introduced policy and recommendations to deal with the problems of ‘inequality’ within their respective organisations.
Nevertheless, as indicated by Guttman’s analysis (1978), continuous development in recent years has slowly begun to break down certain barriers to equality. Should someone wish to investigate further into actual modern equality work they can access a variety of net resources. A quick look at equality policies of the Football Association for example demonstrates that work is being done for the purpose of equality. Guttman (1978) even goes so far to say that in many sports worldwide, participants of any circumstance and environment are encouraged to participate. He also states however that
References: • Baker, J.; Lynch, K.; Cantillon, S.; and Walsh, J. (2004) Equality: from Theory to Action London: Palgrave. • Coakley, J (2003) Sports in Society: Issues and controversies. New York: Mcgraw-Hill • Collins, M • Craig P and Paul Beadie (2010) Sport Sociology. 2nd Edition. Active Learning in Sport • Davis, B • Department for Culture, Media and Sport. (2001a). Elite Sport Funding Review (chair, J. Cunningham). London: DCMS. • Guttman, A (1978) From ritual to record. New York. Columbia press • Holt R • Rawls, J. A. (1971) A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press • Sport and the community : the report of the Wolfenden Committee on Sport 1960 • Sport England, June (2000). Governing Body Resource Pack. Planning for sport. Factfiles: Sports equity • Stanley Rous