3. The expert most qualified to tell you about diet, food, and nutrition is a…
9) The systematic collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to specific marketing situations is called marketing research.…
Entwistle examines different worldviews as they pertain to both disciplines. Worldviews are defined within the text as, “a set of presuppositions, which we hold consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently about the basic make-ups of the world” (Entwistle, 2010). Every worldview is different; it is created basically off of your life experiences along with your beliefs. Four themes were discussed in the text. The four themes, creation, fall, redemption and consummation were said to enhance the Christian worldview (Entwistle, 2010). Creation explains what it means to be humans and the world that we exist in. The fall describes the first human beings rebellion against God and the division it created. Redemption tells of our gift of forgiveness of our sins and justification from God through his son Christ. Consummation connects all three themes and is the “starting point for integration” (Entwistle, 2010).…
Knut Haukelid and the Gunnerside team had orders to destroy the Vemork heavy water power plant in which the first team failed to do and after that, to destroy the Hydro which was carrying barrels of heavy water.…
In chapter one, The Nonrational Foundations of Rationality, Collins explains that humans in society act on more than rational thinking. Being considered as a superior race, human beings pride themselves on their capacity to use reason in order to problem solve and create new science and technology. However, if this was a completely rational world, Collins argues, no social contracts would exist and thus, society would not exist at all, the world would just be composed of isolated individuals. It is not rational to trust that other people's actions will benefit the individual. Collins alludes to people having their self-interest as their main concern. So how does a society form or stick together as a cohesive unit? To help explain this, Collins use the free bus example, in which he concluded the rational thing for an individual to do is to expect or encourage everyone else to be to contribute to the fund of the bus, while the individual just rides on for free. The system could work if people felt a sense of duty…
The Bible has authority in it as being the word of God. The authority the Bible comes from God that is given to the people by an inspiration and revelation by the power of the Holy Spirit from God. God said in His word that He is the Great I Am. Inspiration is nothing more than a revelation, or shall I say, a mere comforting and confirming word from God. As it states in John 16:33 "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace, in this would you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world." Once inspiration has been given then we move into inerrancy; which is not demonstrable. This teaches you how to interpret things correctly. It helps us to tap into our faith to learn the hidden miracles and treasures that God has in the Bible. This is why it is very important, according to Proverbs 3:5-6 "to trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths." In defending inerrancy I chose to stand behind the Biblical Argument because as it states in Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, 2nd ed; “The scriptures are the breath of god; which guaranteed they are without error." John 1:1 reads "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God." Just as God blew His (Ruah) breath into Adam to bring life to him; He did the same to the word when Jesus came down to the earth in the form of a baby. God is not a man that He should lie. He said in His word that Heaven and earth shall pass away but His word shall remain forever. The historical argument speaks from the church perspective as it related to doctrines and traditions such as the Sadducees and the Pharisee’s in the Old Testament as it pertained to the Sabbath. Nevertheless, epistemologies arguments have to be proven. Look at the resurrection of Jesus. In order for Thomas, a disciple whom walked with Jesus, was…
A foundational belief for all Christians is how we serve a God that loves His children unconditionally and has been approachable and involved in our lives and His creation. Throughout this essay I will approach the theology of creation, explain how God is actively involved throughout it all, and how His doctrine will impact whatever career path I chose to follow after college.…
Harlen Coben, editorial,¨Undercover Parent ¨( March 16,2008 ), claims that parents should monitor their teens and what they do on the internet. The author started off being against this idea, but then he sat down at a dinner with his friends whom convinced him otherwise. The author backs up his reasons after his anecdote. The authors purpose of this article is to make sure that parents are doing their best to protect their teens from the dangers of being online, in order to establish total and complete safety with his or her teen/teens. The intended audience for this article is parents with teenagers or kids who have access to the internet, now assuming the author has teens of his their would be some connection made with the audience their.…
The age-old problem of the existence of evil and the question of free will is not just a modern-day exercise for theologians. Aquinas addressed these issues in his day and age and author Timothy Renick, in Aquinas for Armchair Theologians, provides a quite excellent explanation of how Aquinas attempted to answer the fore-mentioned issues. This paper will review Renick’s endeavor to enlighten us on how Thomas Aquinas’ answers to evil and free will are foundational to theology. The first question Renick addresses is the one of evil’s existence. To understand Aquinas, one must hold the Biblical account of Genesis as true.…
The Augustinian theodicy was constructed by Saint Augustine (345-430 AD) and is the main traditional Christian response to the problem of evil. The Augustinian Theodicy holds the view that because God is perfect, the world was created free of imperfections. God cannot be blamed for evil and suffering since God didn't create them, on the contrary, evil comes from angels and humans who act less than perfectly and choose through free will to sin and disobey God. Natural evil is an appropriate punishment because humanity destroyed the natural order, we have all sinned so we all deserve to be punished. Quite different from the Augustinian theodicy, the Irenaean theodicy which was created by Saint Irenaeas (130-202 AD) and later developed by John Hicks and Richard Swinburne doesn't see the world as created all-good and describes an almost opposite process compared with the Augustinian theodicy. It holds that humans were initially created as immature and imperfect beings; they were created in the image of God, but not His likeness. Mankind's goal is to achieve that likeness. Such perfection and likeness of God cannot be ready-made, it can only be developed through free will choices, and we can only become moral and develop through making moral judgments. Natural evil has to be…
Genesis chapters 1-11 depicts four great events that explains the creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. The creation and the fall of man. It explains how sin enters into human nature and man loses his relationship with the creator. It tells how God judges man because of sin, although sending a great flood to destroy His creation, He preserves a remnant because of His compassion for what He had created. In this essay I will explain my worldview on how these events have impacted the natural world, human identity, human relationships and civilization.…
________. The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity. London: Cornell University Press, 1977.…
The theory itself fundamentally states that “one can come to see God’s goodness through experiencing evil” (Kellenberger, 338), not simply believing that the good is always there, but believing that evil is required to fully experience the goodness. This theory, to me, makes the most sense as a response to evil – at least in terms of a pious individual looking to remain comforted by God’s will. The question posed at the outset of this paper, “Does such belief make sense as a response to the problem of evil?” is completely subjective depending on what one is looking to achieve through responding to it at all. For example, an individual whose goal through their spirituality is to please God and remain in his good graces would find solace in the mirror of evil theory, as it provides an out for anyone suffering from God’s apparent evil – because in the end, that evil is required to see the good. The original idea that one simply accepts evil would not work in the favour of this individual, as it would leave them guessing and without any understanding as to why they are suffering in the first…
However, many researchers believe that we are born evil. According to the Christian concept of the original sin, all people are born sinful. The original sin is “an Augustine Christian doctrine that says that everyone is born sinful” (Original sin, 2009). Some Christians think that all mankind is born with a built-in desire to do bad things. They believe that people are born with an internal motivation to disobey God, and they refer this to the disobedience of Adam and Eve’s story to God (2009). The Christian clergy believe that the original sin is not one’s fault. It is the human being’s ordinary psychological condition that even a newborn baby is damaged by (2009). The Christian doctrine also justifies all the errors and faults in the world by having this original sin. It believes that having this evil inside the human soul is considered to be an inherited spiritual disease and imbalance in the human nature, and that is why, it will be regarded as condemnation if people go with this fault. According to the Christianity, people should work hard to purify themselves from this evil until they reach the heaven at the very end (2009). What is more, people who think that we are born evil have also biological evidence. According to a study made by a neuroscientist at McGill University called Daniel Lametti in 2002, it has been shown that people are born evil…
Augustine viewed human nature in only one way: good and evil. Augustine lived in an era when the pillar of strength and stability, the Roman Empire, was being shattered, and his own life, too was filled with turmoil and loss. To believe in God, he had to find an answer to why, if God is all-powerful and purely good, he still allowed suffering to exist. Augustine believed that evil existed because all men on earth was granted, at birth, the power of free will. He states that God enables humans to freely choose their actions and deeds, and through our own action and choices evil is established. Even natural evils, such as disease, are indirectly related to…