Lyndsey Anderson
Introduction to Film
Instructor Cicely Denean-Cobb
January 7, 2013
Critiquing of “The Exorcist” The movie “The Exorcist” is one of the most classic horror movies ever known. It invokes man’s greatest most primal instinct “Fear”. This film has created a lot of controversy between the church and producer. The church saying that it is the work of the devil and that a demon lives in the film. While the producer says it is just a scary film. Either way there is no doubt that with the special effects and storyline this movie still remains one of the greatest scary movies of all time.
The horror theme is created in many ways throughout this film. Both its form and content help create the perfect horror film. The film uses both physical and physiological horror and it does not fail to scare those who watch it in many ways. This film creates horror using the oppositions of Good vs. Evil. The good would be considered all those who try and help young Regan from the possession and being killed. The mother takes Regan to tons of doctors to figure out what is wrong with her but to no avail. The priests are the main symbols of good in this film and turn out to be the true heroes.
The evil is the devil or demon in this film. Regan’s role is a sweet innocent little girl that ends up being possessed. The devil or demon communicates through Regan and she cannot control her own actions. The conflict that this movie has in it between good and evil creates the horror.
We sympathize with Regan because she is young, innocent, and helpless. We become scared for her, because we are unsure of what the outcome will be. The horror is created by using the helpless girl having all this bad stuff happening to her. It was all created using the old scenario that’s been used many times, just not like this, Good vs. Evil.
Another theme I noticed in the film was evil preys on the weak and innocent. Even though the people
References: na. (na). The Exorcist. In Did You Know. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from Exorcist, The. (2010). In The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather guide. Retrieved from THE EXORCIST. (2006). In Chambers Film Factfinder. Retrieved from Exorcist, The. (2007). In Chambers Dictionary of the Unexplained. Retrieved from Warner Brothers. (2000). The Exorcist. In The Sound Of Silence. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from