What is required for a person to justify his or her beliefs? Someone beliefs have to be called into questions in order for them to have to justify themselves, or some form of life experience has to take place to make them question what they believe. An example was given in chapter 1 that if after a church …show more content…
service you asked the Pastor if he believed what he just preached. Well if you are a regular attending member, something would have had to happen in your life for that question to be raised, therefore you sought clarification or reassurance to support you belief in God or what the subject was.
Do many people believe what they do without giving those beliefs critical scrutiny?
Based on my experience I find that a lot of people just believe what they are raised around without giving much thought in it. For example I have white friends that for a great period of their lives they had negative feelings toward blacks and minorities because of the way they were raised. Their parents were prejudice so they thought that was the way to be without giving any thought to it. But after associating themselves with all types of people they came to the realization that the way they were raised was wrong.
What are the advantages of believing something without examining it? In my opinion there is no advantage in believing anything without taking a look at why you think that way.
What are the disadvantages? There are many disadvantages to believing something without knowing why you believe that way. You do not have all the information to get a clear understanding. You can be lead to hate something because someone else had a bad experience. If you don’t understand why you believe a certain way then you are just going through life without experiencing things for yourself to gather true
Identify a specific belief you have that you think is worth defending, and explain how you might go about defending it. I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he is coming back for those that believe in him one day. I can begin to defend this belief by saying that the life of Christ as been noted throughout history by several historians, other than what is posted in the Bible. Also, every religious book recognizes Christ’s existence, some change that he is, but they still acknowledge his presence. Most other religions, use part of the Holy Bible and some of their own beliefs for their religion, either you believe all of it or none of it. And lastly if it is true that Christ is coming back and all you have to do is believe in him and try your hardest to live right you are saved, however if it is not true and you have lived your life good and tried to do the right thing what have you lost.