When a child is born certain rights protect him or her. However, the child is unable to speak or represent what they need for survival. As a result the children are covered under the Children’s Rights law. These laws have been adapted to fit the needs of all children who are enrolled in the school and/or daycare setting. In these facilities, children are more likely to get sick due to the interaction with the other children.
Critique of child illness and medications
The guidelines provided by Education Center were considerably more detailed than the guidelines provided by the Public School. The Education Center covered everyday scenarios such as vomiting, diarrhea, colds, mouth sores and etc. They have covered everything that I could have possibly thought of asking from a daycare facility. This facility took the time to plan out everything a parent needs to know to about their illness policy. However on the opposite end of the spectrum is the Public School. The guidelines that they have established, as well provided to the parents mainly just covers fevers and medication. It notes that students must be twenty-four hours fever free before returning to school.
Compared to the Education Center, the Public School system is missing a lot of valuable information. For example, the Education Center has a note regarding the use of cough drops. During the winter months parent are known for given their children cough drops to suppress their coughing while they the child is in school. However, the Public School does exactly cover this topic. They require Physician’s Order for all medication (Public School’s Parent/Guardian Handbook). This may cause controversy among some people who do not consider cough drops as a medication. In order for this policy to be clearly stated, the Public School needs to be more specific like the Education Center.
Neither group addressed the issues of children who are
References: Education Center Website (2010). Parent/guardian handbook 2010. Retrieved September 28, 2011. Public School Website (2011). Parent/guardian handbook 2011-2012. Retrieved September 28, 2011. Robinson, D. (Telephone communication, September 28, 2011) Vauls, D. (Telephone communication, September 28, 2011) Wright, P. (2008, June 9). The Wrightslaw Way. When Schools Punish Sick Children Who Miss School: A Game Plan. Retrieved September 28, 2011, from