What is justice? Today, where it is common for people to only look out for themselves, justice is an extremely important tool. But what exactly is justice? What is right, what is wrong, and who decides that? To find an accurate definition, we as a society should not just focus on one opinion, but the views of many. Similar to how our society is today, the society in The Republic, lived the same, struggling to determine what the correct definition of justice was, and how to pursue the right answer. In the paper, I will be discussing all aspects of Plato’s Republic, including the Philosopher King and his nature, and justice in that time.…
Republic evaluates the concept of justice and engages the reader in thinking about the true meaning of justice as the characters within the book dispute the matter. Plato also devises a society that is perfectly just. This utopia created also develops an education system where everyone will have the opportunity to receive the same education. Even women, Plato suggests, can be incorporated into the education system and be equal to men in society. This is why I believe Republic to be one of the most important texts. It addresses many issues that during this time were considered dangerous. Another important aspect of this texts is the allegory of the cave. I particularly enjoyed learning about this allegory because on many levels it holds true. Through education, exposure, and experience we can become not only self-aware, but also aware of how nature and society function. It also addresses the treatment of those who remain ignorant and how to be a moral and just…
Plato believes that education is the surest way to an ideal society. In today’s society education is atopic brought up in debates quite frequently because it is important that the youth are educated so they can fill in jobs and run the country when they are older. This does not mean everyone gets an education, for there are many countries where education can not be afforded or is not the best. Yet in today’s school system students are not treated for their full potential.…
What is justice is a question that has plagued philosophers since the time of Plato when he wrote The Republic to present day. In the book, Plato uses the dialectic, between Socrates and other Athenians like Polemarchus, Cephalus, and Glacuon, to try and find the definition of justice. Through the voice of Glaucon, Plato defines justice as a compromise of sorts between advantage and fear, and injustice as the things that we wouldn’t…
Politically, Plato explains the paradox of justice and the law. Plato believes that absolute justice is the same for everyone without exception. This justice goes beyond power and or money. He feels justice is not necessarily the law. "Law is an imperfect form of justice." What is legal is not necessarily moral. In Book 1 of Plato 's The Republic, Plato explains that justice is a balance between reason, courage and man 's needs or in other words, the head, the heart and the stomach. He goes on to explain that justice or fairness does not always mean equal. The law may change but justice remains constant. A good rule or law however is a just rule. Plato felt that to get people to act justly one must teach them ethics and values. He also believed that along with these ethics and values we must have a reasonable understanding of these rules. An understanding of these rules is needed so people are more apt to comply with them and therefore maintain a just and fair society.…
Plato’s Republic begins with a debate on the subject of morality. One by one, Cephalus, Polymarchus, and Thrasymachus put forth their definitions of morality and one by one, they come up short. None survive the merciless scrutiny of the author’s mentor, Socrates.…
For these two articles that we read in Crito and Apology by Plato, we could know Socrates is an enduring person with imagination, because he presents us with a mass of contradictions: Most eloquent men, yet he never wrote a word; ugliest yet most profoundly attractive; ignorant yet wise; wrongfully convicted, yet unwilling to avoid his unjust execution. Behind these conundrums is a contradiction less often explored: Socrates is at once the most Athenian, most local, citizenly, and patriotic of philosophers; and yet the most self-regarding of Athenians. Exploring that contradiction, between ¡§Socrates the loyal Athenian citizen¡¨ and ¡§Socrates the philosophical critic of Athenian society,¡¨ will help to position Plato¡¦s Socrates in an Athenian legal and historical context; it allows us to reunite Socrates the literary character and Athens the democratic city that tried and executed him. Moreover, those help us to understand Plato¡¦s presentation of the strange legal and ethical drama.…
“The Republic”, Plato’s longest work, has many views about philosophy and characters within and there is one character that truly stands out and entices you to read on until the very end; that was Socrates. Socrates was a mentor and a friend of Plato’s and in Plato’s eyes, he was a great and wise Philosopher that was a martyr for philosophy. Within “The Republic”, Plato has written a symbolic account about one of Socrates’ teachings of education or the enlightenment of the mind and soul; “The Allegory of the Cave”. In this, Socrates describes how education is important so that the mind and soul are enlightened and not forever dwelling within the shadows.…
Normative thinking in philosophy is thinking in terms of ideals, values, and how things should be. In "The Republic" Plato uses normative philosophies as he talks about an ideal society and the principles of justice. He focuses mainly on justice and that it is the greatest virtue and if a man is just then they are a happy person. Justice is described as each part of the soul doing its own part that is balance. Justice, in short, is a virtue, a human excellence. His next point is that acting in accordance with excellence brings happiness. Then he ties excellence to one 's function. The just person is a happy person is a person who performs his function. Since these are tied together, injustice can never exceed these virtues and so justice is stronger and is the good. In The Republic, Plato refers to a man 's soul of having three parts. The mind, which makes decisions, the spirit which gives courage, and the body which are the pleasures regulated by the rational mind.…
Thrasymachus once said, “It doesn’t pay to be just”. Ever since the ancient Greek times people have been in search for the perfect meaning of justice. Some have come up with a good definition but even then, there still remains a point to argue proving that the definition incorrect. In Plato’s Republic he starts off with book one, a discussion on what justice is through Socrates. Throughout book one, Socrates argues with Cephalus, Polemarcus and Thrasymachus on why their definition of justice is incorrect. Through the arguments he provides examples as to why people might disagree with the definition. Through the conversation Socrates has with the men Plato proves a connection to his book seven the allegory of the cave. The allegory of the cave is based on how people on only so educated on the area around them because that’s what they grew into. While Dr. Tom Brickhouse, provided a lecture on how to understand Plato’s Republic. Even today people still argue on the true meaning of justice but ones understanding of justice can be is only so because you only know what you have seen and heard.…
“The Republic” by Plato is considered to be a Socratic dialogue finished in 390 BC. In what is considered one of the most valuable pieces of work of Plato tries to answer questions such as: why should people do good things? Or other questions like: are people rewarded for doing bad things? However he also treats other themes as the theory of forms, the immortality of the soul and the roles of the philosopher and of poetry in society. But what we shall explore is how he develops the theme of justice, describe his just state and finally reflect on this just state.…
In his book “the Republic”, Plato tried to build up an ideal society. He divided the ideal society into three classes: rulers, guardians, and workers. As long as each class of people lived harmonious and did their responsibilities, the society would become stable and prosperous. How did make people live with harmony? Obviously, the core issue of “the republic” is justice. Justice is a proper, harmonious relationship among the people in the three classes. Plato suggested that three virtues of individual which were wisdom, courage, and moderation would make individual person just. Also, in order to get the justice, Plato used the “Gold lie” to placate unhappiness with one’s place in life.…
In this essay, I explicate connections between Socrates’ descriptions of himself and his role as a citizen and educator in his home city, Athens, as portrayed in Plato’s Apology. The Apology depicts the trial of Socrates, and its entirety is narrated from the point of view of Socrates. Therefore, in the account of this trial, we have a lens through which we can view Socrates’ ideologies and convictions. Additionally, because Socrates is speaking directly to a jury of five hundred and one Athenians, from this dialogue we can interpret how Socrates saw his life and purpose in relation to Athens and her people through his direct interaction with them.…
The Republic is a book written by Plato about Socrates life concerning the definition of justice and what’s life looks like when we get old and his point of view about wealth people who inherit the fortune and the people who make them…
The Republic, by Plato discusses human morality and the difference between justice and injustice. Socrates is challenged by his peers to explain his views on the topic, which he claims that being just is the function of the soul. He is then confronted by more students who suggest that unjust humans have a better life than those who are just. To respond to this Socrates decides to create a city called Kallipollis in order to demonstrate why being just is beneficial to everyone in a society instead of just the weak. The Kallipolis is to be divided into three parts, the masses, the auxiliaries, and the rulers. These three separate sects will allow the city to run efficiently and to its highest potential. Each class will represent a different part…