With the aid of contextual model of intercultural competence (Neuliep, 2009) following are the issues and conflict presented.
The author feels that the service providers lacked in communication and that they were not able to process information as instructed. There seem to be low cultural intelligence as they failed to understand the various cultures of the valued customers. This contributed to the knowledge component. This may have caused the poor team bonding as it contributes to a lack of motivation for the crew thus the willingness to be more engaged in providing service is distrusted. Hence they have failed to use appropriate verbal or non-verbal cues given their relative position given an unfamiliar culture. However one may not be competent in other culture because he/she may be competent in their own culture, which is called the situational feature. For example, an Asian may not be competent with a Western culture or vice versa. Each stage in this model are interdependent. Thus every stage is essential on its own.
The positive aspects (Garth le Pere, 2011) of working in a globalised environment are: more competitive wider network range of ideas presented from various cultures
The negative aspects (Garth le Pere, 2011) of working in a globalised environment are: globalisation can cause inequality increases political risks widening social gaps
Ways to overcome conflict:
Expose your employees to other cultures
Introducing employees who will be working together in a non-threatening environment enables a good working relationship long term. Learning about another culture 's language, rules and norms for acceptable behaviour helps prepare your employees to deal with situations as
References: Dr. Ursina Böhm. (2009, February 9). Tür Tor Fenster Report - Issue 5/2009. Retrieved from http://www.tuer-tor-report.com/index.php/news/240/325/Interculturally-competent